独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-22 11:52

【外媒 20150319】贪官乔建军及其前妻赵世兰或遭美国遣返回国

The United States may deport to China the ex-wife of a fugitive Chinese official indicted on money laundering and immigration fraud charges, a U.S. prosecutor said on Wednesday.美国一检察官周三称,美国可能将中国贪官乔建军的前妻赵世兰遣返回中国。
The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday indicted Jianjun Qiao, the former director of a government grain storage facility in central China, and his ex-wife, Shilan Zhao, accusing them of funneling stolen money into the United States and fraudulently obtaining U.S. Visas.美国司法部周二对中储粮周口直属库原主任乔建军及其前妻赵世兰提起指控,指控两人涉嫌向美国转移赃款并通过欺诈获得美国投资移民签证。
Zhao was arrested in Washington state and held without bail while Qiao, her former husband, remains at large.赵世兰在华盛顿州被捕拘押,不得保释;乔建军仍在逃。
Ronald Cheng, an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, said one option was for Zhao to be deported back to China for violating immigrations law by falsely claiming to be married to Qiao and lying about the source of their money to obtain a U.S. Visa.洛杉矶助理检察官Ronald Cheng称,对于赵世兰,选择之一是被遣返回中国,理由是其虚假描绘他们仍然在婚,并且在获得美国签证的资金来源上撒谎,这违反了移民法。
U.S. officials said they do not know Qiao's whereabouts. Zhao could face deportation if convicted of the immigration charges to get around the lack of an extradition treaty, the prosecutor said. If caught, Qiao may also face deportation.美国官员称,他们不知道乔建军藏身何处。Ronald Cheng称,如果针对赵世兰违反移民法的指控被定罪,赵世兰可能会被遣返回国,以绕开中美两国没有引渡条约的障碍。如果乔建军被抓,可能也会被遣返回国。
"It is certainly a possible consequence that she could be removed back to China," Cheng said in an interview.“这肯定是可能的后果之一,她(赵世兰)会被遣返回中国,”Ronald Cheng在采访中说。
Kirk Davis, Zhao's attorney, said: "We look forward to our side of the case coming forward as events progress." Zhao's first court appearance is on Friday.赵世兰的律师Kirk Davis称:“随着案件的进展,我们希望此案的我们一方讲出我方的理由。”赵世兰周五将首次出庭接受审理。

龙颜大悦 发表于 2015-3-22 12:23


siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-3-22 12:28

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