独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-23 15:12

【路透社 20150323】新加坡“国父”李光耀逝世 享年91岁

Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's first prime minister, died on Monday aged 91, triggering a flood of tributes to the man who oversaw the tiny city-state's rapid rise from a British colonial backwater to a global trade and financial center.新加坡“国父”李光耀周一逝世,享年91岁,各界纷纷表示悼念。在他的领导下,新加坡从一个东南亚小国一跃成为全球贸易和金融中心之一。
U.S. President Barack Obama described Lee, who ruled Singapore for three decades, as "a true giant of history" whose advice on governance and economic development had been sought by other world leaders down the years.美国总统奥巴马盛赞李光耀是“一位真正的历史巨人”。李光耀担任新加坡总理30余年,他的治国和发展理念多年来一直受到其他世界领导人的推崇。
In his lifetime, Lee drew praise for his market-friendly policies but also criticism at home and abroad for his strict controls over the press, public protest and political opponents.在他的一生中,因曾实施有利于市场的政策而广受赞誉,也因严控媒体、公众抗议和政治异己在国内外遭到诟病。
Lee had receded from public and political life over the past few years, but he was still seen as an influential figure in the government of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, his eldest son.李光耀在过去几年逐渐淡出公众视线及政坛,但仍被视为其长子李显龙担任总理的新一届政府的重要人物。
The government has declared a period of national mourning until his funeral on Sunday. Lee's family will hold a private wake in the next two days, then his body will lie in state at parliament from Wednesday to Saturday.新加坡政府宣布,从周一至周日(3月29日)为全国哀悼期,周日将举行葬礼。李氏家族将在接下来的两天举行私人守夜活动,随后从周三至周六李光耀的遗体将被安放在国会以供瞻仰。
Singaporeans had been bracing for the news for days, and a sea of flowers had already piled up at the hospital where he was being treated for pneumonia.过去三天,成千上万的民众前往医院送花和贺卡,以祈祷李光耀能够康复。
"I'm so sad. He is my idol. He's been so good to me, my family and everyone," said Lua Su Yean, 64. "His biggest achievement is that from zero he's built up today's Singapore."“我太难过了,他是我的偶像。他对我、我的家人及所有人都太好了,”64岁的Lua Su Yean说。“他最大的成就是从零开始,打造了如今的新加坡。”
"Lee Kwan Yew's passing is as much a loss for the international community as it is for Singapore," China's President Xi Jinping said.中国国家主席习近平就李光耀不幸逝世向新加坡总统陈庆炎致唁电。习近平在唁电中表示:“李光耀先生的逝世,是新加坡人民的损失,也是国际社会的损失。”
Obama said in a statement that "Lee's views and insights on Asian dynamics and economic management were respected by many around the world, and no small number of this and past generations of world leaders have sought his advice on governance and development."“李光耀总理对亚洲形势和经济管理的看法和见解,受到世界各地很多领导人的尊重,过去几代的世界领导人都曾向他寻求国家治理和发展的建议,”奥巴马在声明中称。
"Harry" Lee became Singapore's first prime minister in 1959 and held onto power for 31 years, overseeing the island's transformation from a port city battling crime and poverty into one of Asia's most prosperous nations.李光耀于1959年担任新加坡首任总理,在任31年。他带领新加坡从一个深陷犯罪和贫困的港口城市,变成了亚洲最繁荣的国家之一。
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