独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-23 15:14

【外媒 20150323】印尼称中国的南海主权主张缺乏国际法依据

Indonesian President Joko Widodo says one of China's main claims to the majority of the South China Sea has no legal basis in international law.据报导,印尼总统佐科·维多多称,中国对南海大部分地区的主权主张“缺乏国际法根据”。
Widodo's comments in an interview with a major Japanese newspaper come as he embarks on a visit to Japan and China and is the first time he has taken a position on the issue since coming to power in October.上述言论是佐科自去年十月上任以来首次就南海争议进行表态。他本周将访问日本和中国。
"We need peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. It is important to have political and security stability to build up our economic growth," Widodo was quoted as saying in an interview with the Yomiuri newspaper published on Monday.“在亚太地区我们需要和平与稳定。政治和安全局势稳定对促进我们的经济增长非常重要,”周一发表的英文版采访援引佐科的话称。
"So we support the Code of Conduct (of the South China Sea) and also dialogue between China and Japan, China and ASEAN."“所以我们支持(南海)行为准则,支持中日对话以及中国与东盟的对话。”
"In 2009, Indonesia sent its official stance on the issue to the U.N. commission on the delimitation of the continental shelf, stating that the nine-dotted line has no basis in international law," said Sukma. "So, nothing changes."“2009年时,印尼就该问题向联合国大陆架界定委员会表达了官方立场,称九段线没有国际法依据,”印尼总统外交政策顾问Rizal Sukma说道。“现在这一点没有改变。
Indonesia, the largest country in Southeast Asia, has been a self-appointed broker in the myriad territorial disputes between its neighbors and China over the South China Sea. "Indonesia's willingness as an honest broker remains the same," Sukma said.印尼是东南亚最大的国家,在中国与其邻国在南海领土争议问题上,印尼一直表示愿充当调停者。
Widodo will visit China after Japan. Indonesia and China have a more developed military relationship and Jakarta has bought Chinese-made missiles and other military hardware.佐科访日之后,将紧接着访问中国。印尼和中国之间有着较为深入的军事关系,印尼曾购买中国制造的导弹和其他军事装备。

fjlhhzx 发表于 2015-3-23 18:28

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