独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-24 12:30

【美媒 20150324】IBM执行长提转换策略 与中国企业共享科技

IBM Corp will share technology with Chinese firms and will actively help build China's industry, CEO Virginia Rometty said in Beijing as she set out a strategy for one of the foreign firms hardest hit by China's shifting technology policies.国际商业机器(IBM)公司执行长罗曼提称,IBM将与中国公司共享科技,积极协助建设中国的IT产业。IBM是受中国科技政策转变冲击最严重的外资企业之一。
IBM must help China build its IT industry rather than viewing the country solely as a sales destination or manufacturing base, Rometty said at the China Development Forum, an annual Chinese government-sponsored conference bringing together business executives and China's ruling elite.罗曼提在中国发展高层论坛上表示,IBM必须帮助中国建设IT产业,而非仅仅将中国视为销售市场或制造基地。
"If you're a country, as China is, of 1.3 billion people you would want an IT industry as well," the chief executive said on Monday. "I think some firms find that perhaps frightening. We, though, at IBM ... find that to be a great opportunity."“像中国这样拥有13亿人口的国家,必定要发展自己的IT产业,”罗曼提周一说道。“我认为一些企业觉得中国的科技政策转变十分令人担忧。而我们IBM却认为这是一个巨大的机会。”
Rometty's remarks were among the clearest acknowledgements to date by a high-ranking foreign technology executive that companies must adopt a different tack if they are to continue in China amid growing political pressure.迄今为止,罗曼提是外资科技企业中最明确承认,想要继续在中国开展业务,就必须转变策略的高层人士之一。
A number of U.S. technology companies operating in China are forming alliances with domestic operators, hoping a local partner will make it easier to operate in the increasingly tough environment for foreign businesses.在华外企面临愈发严峻的环境,许多在华美国科技企业都正在与中国企业建立合资关系,期冀与当地伙伴的合作能令其在华业务更为顺利。
China has been pushing for the use of more Chinese and less foreign-made technology, to grow its own tech sector and in response to ex-U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden's leaks about U.S. cyber surveillance.中国一直在推动增加使用本土科技,减少对外资科技的依赖,意在培育本土科技产业,应对斯诺登揭密事件带来的隐忧。
IBM's sales in China have stabilized after a sharp drop that began in the third quarter of 2013 following Snowden's revelations. The Armonk, New York-based company reported a 1 percent slide in revenue in China during the fourth quarter of 2014, compared with the prior year.斯诺登揭秘事件曝出后,IBM在华销售额自2013年第三季度起遭遇重挫,但现在已经企稳。IBM报告2014年第四季度在华营收同比下滑1%。
IBM's new approach allows Chinese companies to build everything from semiconductor chips and servers based on IBM architecture, to the software that runs on those machines.IBM的新战略允许中资公司制造各种产品,包括半导体芯片、基于IBM架构的服务器以及在这些机器上运行的软件。
Last week IBM said Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co will begin producing a version of IBM's Power8 chip to run on Chinese-made servers. Its POWER line of processors is often used for intensive calculations in financial services, where Chinese banks have been required by new government regulations to use more domestic vendors.IBM上周称,苏州中晟宏芯信息科技有限公司将开始生产用于中国制造服务器上的IBM Power8芯片。IBM的POWER系列处理器通常用于金融服务行业的精密计算,而中国新出台的法规规定中资银行必须更多使用本土供应商的产品。
The U.S. company had already announced a series of partnerships with Chinese vendors and now packages its database software with products from Inspur, a server hardware maker and IBM rival, and has also struck agreements with Youyou, a Beijing-based software firm.IBM已宣布与中国供应商建立了一系列的合作关系,现在又将数据库软件提供给浪潮软件的产品使用。浪潮软件是一家服务器硬件制造商,也是IBM的竞争对手。IBM也与北京的Youyou软件公司达成了合作协议。
Other vendors are making similar efforts.其他外资科技公司亦有类似动作。
SAP SE Greater China head Mark Gibbs for instance said in October the company sought to be a "complementary player to the Chinese market” by selling its software on hardware made by Lenovo Inc and Huawei Technologies.思爱普大中华区总裁纪秉盟去年10月称,思爱普将在联想和华为制造的硬件上销售自己的软件,从而“服务中国市场”。
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