独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-24 12:35

【美媒20150321】申办冬奥会有助治理空气 北京是否够强

Beijing's bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympics will spur the city in its fight against a serious air pollution, a senior official said on Saturday.北京2022年冬奥会申办委员会发言人王惠周六称,申办冬奥会可以促进北京治理空气。
While Beijing made strenuous efforts to clean up its air in time for the 2008 summer Olympics, the city still suffers from terrible smog, so bad on occasion that it forces the airport to shut and envelops everything with a thick, choking haze.北京曾为2008年夏季奥运会采取各种措施治理空气,但雾霾问题依然存在,偶尔还出现严重雾霾天气,导致机场被迫关闭。
"I think this is a fact -- Beijing's air at the moment has a problem. We all know it. This is a problem that we have great determination to resolve," Wang Hui, spokeswoman for the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games Bid Committee, told a news briefing.“空气质量是当前北京要下决心解决的问题,”王惠在新闻发布会上称。
"The measures we have taken are the toughest," she added, speaking ahead of a visit to China next week by an International Olympic Committee (IOC) evaluation team.“我们现在采取的措施是最严厉的,”她说道。国际奥委会评估团在3月22日至29日期间来华对北京联合张家口申办2022年冬奥会进行实地评估考察。
The government is spending 47 billion yuan ($7.6 billion) -- organizers later said the figure was actually 48 billion yuan -- to fight smog, she added, without providing a timeframe or linking it directly to the bid.王惠称,北京相关当局目前启动了2013至2017年清洁空气行动计划,市财政直接投资470亿元。北京冬奥申委随后称,北京市财政直接投资额实际为480亿元。
"Applying for the Winter Olympics will promote the tackling of air pollution in Beijing, and this will be conducive to our bid," Wang said.“申办冬奥可以促进我们治理空气,治理空气又能帮助我们申办冬奥会,”王惠说。
However Wang denied that the government had taken any special measures to ensure clean air for the IOC team's visit, such as ordering an emergency shut down of factories, which often happens over important international events in Beijing.当被问记者问及这次是否会采取关停工厂等措施以好的空气质量给评估团带来好印象时,王惠对此予以否认。
"I think this is a rational assumption, but it's not the case. When the IOC evaluation team come, we want them to see a natural Beijing and Zhangjiakou," she said, referring to the nearby city jointly bidding with the capital for the Games.“我相信你的推断是比较合理的,但不是事实。”王惠说。“这次国际奥委会评估团来考察,想让他们看到一个自然的北京和张家口。”
With South Korea's Pyeonchang hosting the 2018 Winter Games and Tokyo the 2020 Summer Games, the odds of Asia getting a third successive Olympics had initially seemed remote.由于平壤和东京分别获得2018冬季奥运会和2020夏季奥运会的举办权,亚洲国家要想举办2022年冬奥会的几率通常比较渺茫。
But only Beijing and Kazakhstan's Almaty have been left in the 2022 race though neither city is a winter sports powerhouse.但目前争办2022冬奥会的城市只有北京和阿拉木图,而两者举办冬季体育比赛的实力都并非很强。
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