独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-25 12:39

【路透社 20150325】中国再次敦促伊朗与世界大国达成核协议

A nuclear deal with Iran represents the trend of the times and is the will of the people, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Iranian counterpart, pushing Iran once again to reach an agreement with major world powers.中国外交部长王毅向伊朗外长扎里夫表示,伊核谈判达成协议应是大势所趋、人心所向。王毅再次敦促伊朗与世界大国达成协议。
The negotiations between Iran and the United States, Russia, China, France, Germany and Britain face an initial deadline for a basic framework agreement at the end of March, and a June 30 deadline for a final settlement.伊朗与美国、俄罗斯、中国、法国、德国和英国进行的核谈计划在3月底前达成初步框架协议,而6月30日是达成最终协议的期限。
"The Iran nuclear talks have reached the final sprint in the marathon," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in a telephone call, China's foreign ministry said in a statement issued late on Tuesday.“伊核谈判已进入马拉松长跑的最后冲刺阶段,”王毅在同伊朗外长扎里夫通电话时说道。
"Reaching an agreement is the trend of the times and the will of the people, which accords with the joint and long-term interests of all sides, including Iran," Wang said.他指出,“达成协议应是大势所趋、人心所向,符合包括伊朗在内各方的共同和长远利益。
China will continue to play a constructive role, he said.他表示,中方将继续在谈判中发挥建设性作用。
Wang made a similar plea during a visit to Tehran last month.王毅在上月访问德黑兰期间也发表了类似声明。
He told U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry earlier this month that talks on Iran's nuclear program must not fall at the last hurdle, and that all sides should meet each other half way.他本月对美国财政部长约翰·克里表示,伊朗核项目谈判不要倒在最后关头,谈判各方都应该尽早进行沟通和磋商。
China and Iran have close diplomatic, economic, trade and energy ties.中国与伊朗有密切的外交、经贸和能源关系。
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