独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-25 12:40

【路透社 20150324】北京市长承诺举办一届节俭干净的冬奥会

If Beijing wins the right to hold the 2022 Winter Olympics they will be both frugal and free from the city's notorious smog, the city's mayor was quoted as saying in a state-run newspaper on Tuesday.中国日报援引北京市长王安顺的说法称,如果北京赢得2022冬奥会的主办权,届时将举办一届节俭干净的赛事。
"Holding the Games in a frugal way is not a slogan, it's a reality," Mayor Wang Anshun said, according to the official China Daily. "We will make full use of our current sports facilities and strictly control construction costs."中国日报称,王安顺市长表示节俭办赛并非口号,而是切实可行的,将充分利用现有运动场馆设施,严格控制建设成本。
Beijing, along with the nearby city of Zhangjiakou jointly bidding for the Games, is playing host this week to an evaluation team from the International Olympic Committee.北京和张家口已联合申办2022年冬季奥运会。国际奥委会评估团本周抵达北京,开始对北京和张家口进行实地考察。
Beijing, which hosted the 2008 summer Olympics to broad acclaim, is planning to make use of existing facilities to lessen the costs.北京曾举办2008年夏季奥运会并获得广泛好评。北京打算充分利用已建成的场馆和设施来举办部分奥运会比赛,以达到节约成本的目的。
Wang said that new facilities would be a boost for the economy, and be used after the Games are over.王安顺表示,新建场馆设施不但能促进经济增长,在赛后也能继续使用。
With South Korea's Pyeongchang hosting the 2018 Winter Games and Tokyo the 2020 Summer Games, the odds of Asia getting a third successive Olympics had initially seemed remote.2018冬奥会在韩国平昌举行,2020夏季奥运会在东京,乍看起来,亚洲连续主办三届奥运会的可能性很小。
But only Beijing and Kazakhstan's Almaty have been left in the 2022 race though neither city is a winter sports powerhouse.但2022冬奥会的角逐者现在仅剩北京和哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图,尽管这两个城市都不是冬季运动胜地。
Despite strong political backing and a proven track record, Beijing faces serious doubts over its poor air.北京申办2022年冬奥会有强大的政治支持、良好的申办记录,但却面临严重的空气质量问题。
"We are prepared to reduce the use of coal, alleviate pollution caused by traffic, extend the use of new energy vehicles and ask more polluting plants to move out of Beijing," Wang said.王安顺表示,北京正准备进一步压减燃煤,加强交通污染治理,推广使用新能源汽车,加大污染企业退出力度。
"We promise the air quality will meet World Health Organisation standards by the start of the winter of 2022."王安顺表示,有信心通过治理和保障措施,确保赛时空气质量达到世界卫生组织的标准。
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