独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-25 12:41

【路透社 20150324】全世界聚焦伊斯兰国 叙利亚民众感觉遭抛弃

The people of Syria feel "increasingly abandoned by the world" as global attention focuses on Islamic State militants, while violence and government bureaucracy hinder attempts to deliver aid to 12 million people, U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said on Monday.联合国秘书长潘基文周一称,叙利亚民众“渐觉被世界抛弃”。全世界的目光皆聚焦于“伊斯兰国”武装分子,但暴力冲突和政府官僚阻碍对叙利亚1,200万民众的援助,这一点却无人理会。
In his 13th monthly report to the United Nations Security Council on Syria, Ban said a lack of accountability during the four-year civil war has also led to a rise in allegations of war crimes, crimes against humanity and other human rights abuses.潘基文在向联合国安理会提交的第13份叙利亚月度报告中称,叙利亚四年内战期间问责缺失,亦导致对战争罪、反人类罪和其它践踏人权的指控上升。
"While global attention is focused on the threat to regional and international peace and security which terrorist groups such as ISIL (Islamic State) and (al Qaeda's) Nusra Front pose, our focus must continue to be on how best to help and support the Syrian people," Ban said in the report, seen by Reuters.“鉴于全世界的目光皆聚焦于伊斯兰国和努斯拉阵线(基地组织分支)等恐怖组织对地区和国际和平与安全造成的威胁,我们必须继续专注于如何最好地帮助和支持叙利亚民众,”潘基文在报告中表示。路透见到了该报告。
Ban said more than 220,000 people have been killed since security forces cracked down on a pro-democracy movement in 2011, sparking an armed uprising. Some four million Syrians have fled the country and 7.6 million are internally displaced.潘基文称,2011年以来叙利亚有逾22万人身亡、约4百万人逃离该国、760万人流离失所。
Ban said delivery of aid was becoming more challenging due to "violence and insecurity, shifting conflict lines, deliberate interference by parties to the conflict ... and administrative procedures which constrain effective aid delivery."潘基文表示,救援物资的运送变得更加困难,原因是“暴力和不安全、冲突阵线转移以及冲突各方的蓄意干扰……加上行政程序妨碍救援物资运送有效进行。”
While aid is reaching several million people, Ban said the situation for some 4.8 million people in hard-to-reach areas, especially 212,000 people in besieged areas, was of "grave concern," hospitals and schools are being attacked, and international aid funding has failed to keep pace with needs.尽管数百万叙利亚人得到了援助,但潘基文称,对于在偏远地区的约480万叙利亚人,尤其是深陷围困区的21.2万人来说,情形“非常严峻”;医院和学校遭到攻击,国际救援资金无法满足需求。
The United Nations is seeking some $8.4 billion to meet the humanitarian needs of the Syrian conflict in 2015, after only securing about half the funding it asked for in 2014. Ban said a pledging conference in Kuwait on March 31 would be crucial.联合国2015年计划筹集约84亿美元资金以满足叙利亚冲突的人道主义救援需求,但2014年联合国只筹集到了所需资金的一半。潘基文称,3月31日在科威特举行的认捐会议至关重要。
He said U.N. cross-border aid deliveries of food rations from Turkey and Jordan had reached more than four times as many people - some 771,000 - in the three months to end-February compared with the previous three months.他表示,截止2月末的过去三个月,联合国从土耳其和约旦进行的跨境救援食品送达约77.1万人手中,受援人数是此前三个月的4倍。
However, access to medical supplies and equipment "continued to be restricted by insecurity and constraints imposed on humanitarian operations by parties to the conflict."然而,冲突各方对人道主义救援行动施加限制,加上局势不安,令医药用品和设备“仍然难以运送”。
Ban said many delivery requests were going unanswered by the government and surgical supplies were also being removed from convoys by security forces.潘基文称,叙利亚政府无视许多救援物资运送的要求,护送车队的医疗器械设备也会被叙利亚安全部队拿走。
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