独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-25 12:42

【美媒 20150324】亚洲官员参加“市长班”学习李光耀治国

Dozens of Asia's best and brightest government officials each year join what has become known as the "Mayors' Class" - studying good governance, economic management and how to make their countries work like Singapore. 每年都有众多亚洲优秀政府官员赴新加坡“市长班”取经,学习善政治理、经济管理还有新加坡的治国之道。
Their mentors at two of the city-state's top universities are high-flyers from Singapore's political, government and financial sectors, who reveal the secrets of what it takes to make a country efficient, competitive, and rich.在新加坡南阳理工大学和国立大学举办的“市长班”,来自新加坡政界和金融领域的明星导师亲自为这些学员讲授治国之道,以及如何打造一个高效、富有竞争力的富裕国家。
Equally, many of the students are drawn by Singapore's "managed" democracy, a system forged in the image of its first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died on Monday aged 91, that extols one-party rule, keeps a tight rein on the press and rewards politicians with executive-level wages.很多学员被新加坡“有管理的”民主制度吸引,新加坡开国总理李光耀亲自打造了这一民主体制:崇尚一党统治,对新闻行业严格限制,政治人物的报酬堪比企业高管。
For countries such as China and Myanmar, experimenting with granting their citizens more freedom while maintaining a tight grip on power, the vibrant but heavily controlled state built by Lee could be the answer.中国和缅甸等国家正在尝试赋予民众更多自由,同时亦严密控制权力。对于这些国家来说,李光耀一手打造的充满活力而又高度管控的新加坡可能就是最佳答案。
The city-state boasts one of the highest proportions of millionaires in the world, and an economy that is the envy of many developed, let alone emerging, nations. As a result, dozens of countries are sending civil servants to study the Singapore way.新加坡拥有全世界最高人口比例的百万富翁群体,这里的经济成就甚至令诸多发达国家钦羡,新兴国家自不必说。许多国家选派官员学习新加坡道路。
The bulk of the students are Chinese, and many have progressed to become mayors, governors and vice ministers.“市长班”的大多数学员来自中国,许多人日后获晋升至市长、省长和副部长。
Wang Zhenping, head of research at the standing committee of the provincial legislature in the northern Chinese province of Hebei, studied at NTU from 2005-2006 and wrote a book about his experiences.河北省人大常委会研究室主任王振平2005-2006年间在新加坡南阳理工大学深造,并着书记述了他的学习经历。
"For a developing country, Singapore's advantages are its highly-efficient government, good infrastructure, stable political environment ... and stable economic growth," he said.“新加坡相对于发展中国家,其优势是高效率的政府、良好的基础建设、稳定的法治环境、便捷的地理位置和快速稳定的经济增长,”他说道。
"For China in particular, Singapore is geographically close, culturally similar and has a wealth of experience at managing markets."“另一方面,新加坡相对于中国,地理位置接近、文化渊源相通、市场管理经验丰富等等。中国需要借鉴别国经验,更需要借鉴新加坡经验,因为有这些优势的存在。”
The model that drew the likes of Britain's Tony Blair to the tiny Southeast Asian state seeking ideas for welfare reform has lately come under strain at home, as some Singaporeans have complained it favors the privileged and wealthy.新加坡样板曾吸引了英国前首相布莱尔等前来取经,寻找福利改革灵感。但现在这个样板现在却开始遭受质疑,一些新加坡人抱怨该体系偏袒特权和富裕阶层。
But developing states across a region where poverty and graft are widespread remain wowed by Singapore's clean streets, low levels of corruption and dynamic economy.但深受贫困和腐败困扰的发展中国家依然对新加坡干净的街道,腐败问题低发和富有活力的经济羡慕不已。
Rowena Tan, a judge in the Philippines, is among thousands of graduates of training programs in public administration and governance in Singapore, and said its bureaucracy was still the model to emulate.在新加坡接受过公共行政管理培训项目的菲律宾法官Rowena Tan称,新加坡的官僚制度仍然是效仿的典范。
"The program gave us the best training from both worlds - the East and the West," she said. "We were told that this is one of the reasons for the success of Singapore - it studies and learns what is best in other countries and tweaks it, adapts it to local conditions."“这个项目基于东西方经验给我们提供了最好的培训,”她说道。“我们得知这是新加坡成功的原因之一--新加坡研究其他国家发展的精髓,并因地制宜地进行调整和吸纳。”
Wealthy Singapore has long fascinated Beijing's leaders for its ability to combine popular elections and a British-style parliamentary system with decades of unbroken rule by the People's Action Party co-founded by Lee.富强的新加坡将普选与英国式议会政体融为一体,却又能维持新加坡人民行动党数十年坚不可摧的执政地位,这让中国领导人长久为之着迷。
Though a recent anti-corruption campaign has affected the number of Chinese government officials allowed to travel overseas for training, Singapore's allure has not diminished.尽管中国开展的反腐运动影响了赴海外培训的中国官员数量,但新加坡的魅力丝毫不减。
Despite doubts among some in the ruling Communist Party over whether many of Singapore's economic and social policies are meaningful for a much larger and more diverse country, traces of Singapore can be seen dotted throughout China.中国政府内部有人质疑,对于幅员辽阔、情况复杂的中国来说,城邦小国新加坡的诸多经济与社会政策是否仍具备参考意义。但是,在中国依然遍地可见新加坡的踪迹。
Industrial parks have sprouted around the country, after the first of its kind was developed by Singapore in the city of Suzhou more than 20 years ago. Some cities have lined their boulevards with wide green belts - a nod to Singapore's "Garden City" campaign.工业园区在中国如雨后春苏般蓬勃兴起,而第一个工业园便是20多年前由新加坡在苏州打造的。中国的一些城市将林荫大道与宽阔的绿化带结合,也是借鉴了新加坡的“花园城市”策略。
"The rapid urbanization in China means that many things Singapore, as a city-state, has done are worth learning," said Mao Shoulong, a professor at the School of Public Administration and Policy at Renmin University in Beijing.“新加坡作为一个行政为主的城市国家,很多做法对中国的高速城市化面临的问题有帮助,”中国人民大学公共管理学院教授毛寿龙说道。
"(Singapore's) high-standard municipal management, high-quality public administration is worth something to almost all Asian cities."“(新加坡)高质量高要求的管理模式,很高的行政管理能力水平,亚洲国家的城市基本上可以学。 ”

c0215 发表于 2015-3-25 15:11

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