独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-26 12:51

【路透社20150324】钢铁业国内处境艰难 寄望政府支持海外布局

Laden with debt and struggling to make money as the world's No.2 economy loses momentum, China's steel mills do not appear obvious candidates for overseas expansion.随着中国经济成长动能减弱,国内钢厂面临着沉重债务负担,且赚钱也愈发艰难,所以他们似乎不是海外扩张的生力军。
But the country's crisis-hit steel sector is calling for strong government backing for plans to ramp up foreign acquisitions, as it looks to escape weak demand-growth and soaring environmental costs at home.但受危机波及的中国钢铁行业希望摆脱国内需求增长低迷,以及环境成本飙升的局面,正呼吁政府提供强有力的支持,助其加快海外并购步伐。
In a draft of a revised restructuring plan for the industry issued late last week, Beijing included a line saying it would support mills' efforts to buy assets abroad, with attention now turning to more detailed measures that could be announced later in the year.中国在上周晚些时候公布的钢铁行业重组计划修正草案,其中有这样一句话,称其将支持钢厂购买海外资产的计划,现在大家都在等待或在今年稍晚公布的举措细节。
"There is capacity that we can shift abroad, to regions that need it like Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe, as well as places like Indonesia and Africa where demand for steel is huge but production capacity is very low," said Deng Qilin, Chairman of Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, China's No.4 producer.“我觉得中国钢铁在转型中淘汰落后,消化过剩产能,有些产能我们是可以转移到国外去的,而国外的有些地区也是需要的,比如东南亚、东盟这些地区,如印尼这些国家对钢材的需求是很大的,还有非洲的10几个国家,他们的钢铁产能很低,也是需要钢铁的,”中国第四大钢铁生产商武汉钢铁集团董事长邓崎琳称。
Foreign expansion by the world's biggest steel sector would offer some support to prices of steelmaking ingredient iron ore, which plunged to record lows this month as Beijing ramps up environmental checks that could shut more mills in an industry where production capacity is 300 million tonnes above demand.随着中国加强环境监测,有3亿吨过剩产能的钢铁业可能会有更多钢厂关闭。全球规模最大的中国钢铁行业布局海外,将给铁矿石价格带来一些支撑。
The export market offered one of the few bright spots for Chinese producers last year, but trade barriers erected amid accusations that China has been dumping products overseas mean exporting is becoming more difficult, with firms increasingly looking to shift actual output abroad.出口市场在去年为中国企业提供了不多的亮点之一,但随着多国指责中国向海外倾销商品,中国面临更多的贸易壁垒,在企业更加倾向转向出口时,这意味着出口将变得更加困难。
Beijing has already rolled out measures to broadly encourage the foreign expansion of Chinese industry including simplifying currency rules and making it easier to raise money through bond markets, with sectors such as nuclear at the forefront of the drive overseas.中国已经出台一系列措施支持企业对外扩张,包括放松对外投资资金管制以及使在债券市场融资更加方便,核电等领域的企业是海外扩张的先锋。
At this year's full session of parliament, Wuhan Iron and Steel along with another major producer, Anshan Iron and Steel Group, urged the government to provide financial and policy support for the steel sector's expansion abroad.在今年的两会上,武钢和鞍钢呼吁政府为钢铁企业的海外扩张提供金融和政策支持。
China's top steelmaking province of Hebei has also called for greater backing for its plan to move 20 million tonnes of capacity overseas by 2023.中国钢铁大省河北也呼吁政府为其2023年前向海外转移2,000万吨的钢铁产能计划提供更大支持。
Some are already making the leap, with Hebei Steel Group, China's largest steelmaker, looking to build a 5-million-tonne-per-year steel project under a joint venture in Africa.一些企业正在走出去,例如,中国最大的钢铁企业河北钢铁集团希望通过成立合资企业,在非洲建立一个年产能500万吨的钢铁项目。
Shougang, one of the largest mills, in February started production at a Malaysian project with an annual capacity of 3 million tonnes.大型钢企首钢2月份也在马来西亚启动了年产能达300万吨的项目。
A smaller company, Bazhou New Asia Metal Products Co. Ltd, bought a stake in an Indonesian firm in 2013 to build a steel strip project, with vice-president Xing Xiuying saying it made the move as there was little room to expand in China.一家名为霸州市新亚金属制品有限公司的小型企业在2013年收购了一家印尼公司的部分股权,建设一个带钢项目。该公司副总理刑秀英表示,该公司做出这一举措是因为国内已基本没有扩张的空间。
"Investing abroad will help China to cut the excess capacity at home in the long run, as some companies will shift their focus to overseas markets and thus reduce output and competition domestically."“国家支持投资海外长期来说是有帮助的,因为国内竞争力逐步缩小,企业不在国内投资,产能逐步精简,对经济改革有利。”
Others have found moving more tricky, with the Baosteel Group and Wuhan Iron and Steel both dropping plans to build plants in Brazil, blaming high costs.但其他钢厂发现转移到海外更为困难,宝钢集团和武汉钢铁均因成本高企而放弃了在巴西建厂的计划。
"It will depend on how much capital is eventually engaged in helping Chinese firms go abroad, but generally speaking, the overseas expansion strategy will have a positive impact on Chinese steelmakers in seeking new growth," said Lawrence Lu, analyst at Standard & Poor's Ratings Services in Hong Kong.“这个战略是否成功最终还是要看有多少资本进来,但是整体上来说还是能够给企业带来效益的,有正面的影响,”标准普尔驻香港分析师Lawrence Lu说。
Some were more sceptical, questioning whether there would be cost advantages to shifting output.一些人则持更为怀疑的态度,质疑将生产转移到海外能否带来成本优势。
"The government should not use this as a main solution to ease domestic overcapacity as any blind push would bring consequences," said Jiang Feitao, policy researcher at the China Academy of Social Sciences.“政府不能将‘走出去’作为一个很强的(化解国内过剩产能的)政策手段,企业应该从自身发展经济效益来看,任何强推都会有很多问题,”中国社会科学院工业经济研究所的助理研究员江飞涛称。
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