独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-26 12:52

【路透社 20150326】斯里兰卡总统访华 寻求修复中斯关系

Sri Lanka's President Maithripala Sirisena headed to Beijing on Wednesday seeking to end a stalemate over China's biggest investment project in the island which his administration has suspended over allegations of wrongdoing.斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳周三前往北京对中国进行访问,以寻求结束因中资企业投资建设科伦坡港口城项目被叫停引发的僵局。
The review of the $1.4 billion Colombo port city project ordered by Sirisena after he took office in January has become a sore point, with neither side showing signs of backing down.西里塞纳1月上任后下令对价值14亿美元的科伦坡港口城项目进行重新评估,中国方面对此感到恼火,而且双方均未显示让步迹象。
China has defended the port project, saying it was in line with local laws and any cancellation would deter foreign investors.中方称该投资项目符合斯里兰卡法律,若被取消则会让外国投资者望而却步。
Sri Lankan finance minister Ravi Karunanayake who is accompanying the president to China said they hoped to persuade Beijing about their commitment to tackle corruption in government contracts.陪同西里塞纳到中国访问的斯里兰卡财长Ravi Karunanayake称,他们希望游说中国当局承诺解决政府合同中存在的腐败问题。
"We are doing exactly what the president of China is doing, resolutely fighting against the corruption," Karunanayake told reporters.“我们正在做的正是中国国家主席在做的事情,即坚决反腐,”Karunanayake对记者说。
Another official said Sirisena will in particular discuss Chinese ownership of land with Chinese leaders, an issue that has also drawn concern in neighbouring India which sees it as a security threat, overlooking a strategic port.另一名斯里兰卡官员称,西里塞纳将与中国领导人专门就项目涉及的20公顷土地所有权转移问题进行磋商。
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