独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-27 10:12


Indonesia wants to play a major role in a new Chinese-led Asian infrastructure bank, with at least the vice-president's position reserved for the Southeast Asian country, the finance minister said.印尼希望在中国主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行,AIIB)中扮演要角,该国财长称,至少副行长的职位该保留给印尼。
The $50 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), expected to start operations by the end of the year, is attracting a growing list of countries from Britain to India to New Zealand.注册资本达500亿美元的亚投行预料在今年年底前开始运营,目前已经吸引了包括英国、印度和新西兰在内的数十个国家加入。
Under President Joko Widodo, Indonesia is expected to be one of the main beneficiaries of the bank as it seeks significant funding to build new roads, ports and bridges in the vast archipelago.在总统佐科-维多多(Joko Widodo)的带领下,印尼可能成为该银行的主要受益者之一,目前这个幅员辽阔的岛国正寻求大量资金在当地修建新的公路、港口和桥梁。
"We are fighting to get a position in the AIIB ... because most likely we will be the biggest client," Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro told reporters late on Wednesday.“我们正努力争取在亚投行获得一个领导职位...因为我们很可能成为亚投行的最大客户,”印尼财政部长Bambang Brodjonegoro在周三晚些时候对记者表示。
"I have been lobbying China in regards to who will be the bank's host, the positions, shareholders and projects."“在决定谁将是亚投行的东道主、管理职位安排、股东和投资项目等方面,我一直对中国进行游说。”
Jakarta is also vying with Beijing to host the AIIB headquarters.雅加达目前正和北京竞争,以寻求亚投行总部落户当地。
However, Chinese Deputy Finance Minister Shi Yaobin said on Wednesday it had already been agreed the bank would have its headquarters in Beijing.但中国财政部副部长史耀斌周三称,已经就亚投行总部落户北京达成协议。
At least 35 countries will join the AIIB by the deadline of March 31, the bank's interim chief, Jin Liqun, said on Sunday.亚投行多边临时秘书处秘书长金立群上周日表示,将有至少35个国家在3月31日的截止日期前加入亚投行。
The United States, worried about China's growing diplomatic clout, has questioned whether the AIIB will have sufficient standards of governance and environmental and social safeguards.美国一直对中国持续上升的外交影响表示担忧,此前已就亚投行是否有足够高的管理标准以及对环境和社会的保护提出了疑问。
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