独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-27 10:13

【路透社 20150326】斯里兰卡承诺港口城项目在问题解决后复工

China said on Thursday that Sri Lanka's visiting president had promised work would resume on a controversial Chinese-backed port development in Colombo that his administration had earlier suspended.中国周四称,正在中国访问的斯里兰卡总统西里塞纳承诺中方投资的科伦坡港口城项目将复工。
Citing a lack of government approvals, Sri Lanka halted the $1.4 billion port city project, straining ties with its biggest investor. China defends the project, saying it is in line with local laws and any cancellation would deter foreign investors.斯里兰卡政府此前以缺乏政府批准为由叫停了14亿美元的港口城项目。中国称该项目符合当地法律,取消项目会使外国投资者却步。
Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena told Chinese President Xi Jinping that work would resume after problems are "sorted out", a Chinese Foreign Ministry official told reporters on the sidelines of visit.中国外交部部长助理刘建超在西里塞纳访华间隙对记者称,西里塞纳向习近平表示,问题解决后,项目将复工。
"He (Sirisena) stressed that what happened around the port city in Colombo is rather temporary, and he said the problem does not lie with the Chinese side and hopes to continue with the project after things are sorted out," said Liu Jianchao, assistant minister of foreign affairs.刘建超称,西里塞纳强调科伦坡港口城的问题是暂时性的,问题不在中方,希望在解决问题后继续该项目。
Liu said the two presidents had not "gone that far" in discussing any potential renegotiation of interest rates on the loans.刘建超表示,两国领导人并未讨论可能重新协商贷款利率的问题。
He added that China hopes to strengthen defence ties between the two countries, saying the presidents discussed cooperation in training military personnel and providing "military equipment".他指出,中国希望加强两国的国防联系,两国领导人探讨了训练军事人员和提供军事设备方面的合作。
Liu added that it is possible that the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) could be a source of funding for Sri Lankan infrastructure projects, but that the matter would have to be discussed with other members of the bank once it is established.刘建超称,中国牵头的亚投行可能为斯里兰卡基础设施项目提供资金,但这个问题需要在亚投行成立后与其他成员探讨。
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