独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-27 10:13


Apple Inc plans to introduce a trade-in program for iPhones in China in association with the Foxconn Technology Group, Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with the effort.据彭博引述消息人士报导,苹果计划联手富士康科技集团,在中国推出iPhone手机的以旧换新业务。
Under the program, consumers will be able to exchange older iPhones at Apple stores in China for credit against the company's products starting March 31, Bloomberg reported. 彭博称,根据这项计划,自3月31日起,消费者可以拿旧款iPhone手机,到中国的苹果商店折抵换购新产品。
Chinese demand for larger-screen iPhones helped fuel Apple's record profit of $18 billion in the final quarter last year.中国消费者对大屏幕iPhone手机的需求旺盛,扶助苹果去年第四季获利创下纪录高位180亿美元。
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook has said China is poised to overtake the United States as the company's biggest market, and he is working to about double the number of stores in Greater China by the middle of next year, Bloomberg reported.苹果首席执行官库克曾表示,中国将超越美国,成为苹果的最大市场,彭博报导,他正在规划明年中之前将大中华区的苹果门店数量增加约一倍。
Under the China program, Foxconn will buy the iPhones directly, without Apple taking ownership, and repair the devices if needed before selling them on its e-commerce websites such as FLNet and on Alibaba Group Holding Ltd's Taobao online store.根据以旧换新计划,富士康将直接买下旧机,根据情况需要进行修复,然后在自己的电子商务网站FLNet和阿里巴巴的淘宝等进行销售。
Foxconn, a key Apple supplier, is also in talks to sell the older iPhones in physical stores and may take the trade-in program online in future.富士康也在磋商在实体店销售旧款iPhone手机,未来可能把以旧换新搬到网上进行。
The China plan follows an expansion of a similar program in the United States, where the company has started accepting non-Apple devices, Bloomberg reported.彭博引述其中的一位消息人士称,中国的以旧换新计划目前只涉及苹果手机。
Apple declined to comment and Foxconn could not be reached for comments immediately outside regular business hours.苹果拒绝置评,路透在正常工作时间以外暂时无法联系上富士康置评
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查看完整版本: 【彭博社20150326】苹果即将在中国推出iPhone以旧换新