独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-27 10:14


Bakery chain BreadTalk Group apologized and pulled a bun commemorating the city-state's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, from its stores after drawing flak from social media users who said the baked goods were insensitive.面包新语就推出“李不开你”面包道歉,并撤下该产品。面包新语推出“李不开你”新产品面包,以纪念已故的建国总理李光耀,但在社交媒体上饱受抨击,网民称面包新语麻木不仁。
"We would like to convey our deepest apologies with regard to the commemorative bun remembering which was introduced at BreadTalk outlets today, 25 March 2015," the company said on its Facebook page. (here)“我们对今天推出?‘李不开你’面包一事表示最诚挚的歉意,”该公司在其Facebook主页上表示。
"Our intent was to create a commemorative product in memory of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew whom we deeply respect. Together with all Singaporeans, the passing of our Founding Prime Minister is deeply felt by all of us at BreadTalk," it said.“我们本意是想推出一款纪念性产品,缅怀我们深切尊敬的李光耀先生。面包新语所有同仁与所有新加坡民众一样,都对‘国父’李光耀逝世深表沉痛之情,”该公司说道。
"Nevertheless, we are made aware that this manner of remembering his legacy was insensitive in light of the current context," it added.“但我们得知这种缅怀方式在当下是不合时宜的,”该公司补充道。
BreadTalk said it was sticking to original intent and would donate projected sales proceeds of S$30,000 to Community Chest.面包新语称,自始至终都本着缅怀之意,并将销售该款面包预计可获得的三万新元捐赠给新加坡社区福利基金。
While some called it cheap marketing ploy, others said the company should have distributed the buns to the thousands waiting in line to pay their last respects to Lee, who died on Monday, aged 91.一些人称面包新语的做法无非是低劣的营销之术,而有些人则表示,该公司应该把这款“李不开你”面包分发给排队送别李光耀的人群。
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查看完整版本: 【路透社20150326】新加坡人批评“李不开你”面包营销趣味低俗