独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-29 13:33

【路透社20150325】澳洲拟加入亚投行 但要求明确管理权

Australia is "well and truly" disposed to join the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Wednesday, but wants to know how much power Bejing would hold in the institution before a formal decision.澳洲总理阿博特周三称,澳洲“已准备好并真正愿意”加入中国主导的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,亚投行),但在做出正式决定前希望弄清中国将在亚投行拥有多少权力。
Fairfax Media citing government sources, reported the federal cabinet has approved Australia signing a "memorandum of understanding" on joining the AIIB.澳洲媒体Fairfax Media援引政府消息人士的话称,联邦内阁已经同意澳洲就加入AIIB签署一份“谅解备忘录”。
Australia, South Korea and Japan are the notable regional absentees from the bank, which the United States had warned against. Despite Washington's misgivings, U.S. allies Britain, France, Germany and Italy announced this month they would join the bank, leading the Obama administration to reassess its stance.澳洲、韩国和日本缺席亚投行的局面引人侧目,但美国已警告相关国家不要加入亚投行。尽管美国表示担忧,但其盟友英国、法国、德国和意大利在本月均已宣布将加入亚投行,使奥巴马政府不得不重新评估其立场。
Although Australia is a vital part of Washington's strategic "pivot" toward Asia, it is close to joining as well.虽然澳洲是美国在亚洲势力布局的关键组成部分,但澳洲也接近加入亚投行。
"We are certainly well and truly disposed to joining something which is in fact a genuinely multilateral institution with transparent governance, clear accountability and with major decisions made by the board," Abbott told reporters.“我们绝对准备好加入一个透明管理、明确责任归属、由理事会做出重大决定的真正多边组织。”阿博特对记者表示。
"That is really the fundamental thing for us, would major decisions be made by the board and is it going to be a multilateral institution rather than one that is controlled by any one country," he said at a news conference in Canberra.“重大决定是由理事会做出,以及这将是一个多边组织,而不是由任何一国控制,这对我们确实是最重要的事,”他在首都坎培拉的记者会上称。
Abbott said he has discussed the matter with U.S. President Barack Obama and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and would continue talking to them.阿博特称已经和美国总统奥巴马及日本首相安倍就此事进行了讨论,并可能继续和他们进行协商。
Speaking to the Australia China Business Council, Treasurer Joe Hockey said it was important to secure the country's best interest in a well governed bank that will work to promote greater infrastructure and growth in the region.澳洲国库部长霍基对澳洲的中国商业协会表示,亚投行将促进区域内更好的基础设施发展和经济增长,必须在治理良好的亚投行中,确保澳洲的最大利益。
"If well designed, the AIIB could play a key role in helping to address the region's acute infrastructure needs. In order to do this we will need a strong and well governed AIIB," he said.“如果设计良好,亚投行可以在解决区域基础设施需求方面扮演关键角色,为了完成上述任务,我们需要一个强有力并管理良好的亚投行,”他说。
"It is early days for the AIIB, but China has made strong progress on governance so far. The proposed governance arrangements will be modelled on international best practice." “亚投行现在仍是起步阶段,但中国到目前为止已经在管理上取得了很大的进展,提议中的管理安排将仿效国际最佳作法。”
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