独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-30 13:44


悲伤的新加坡人周日与前来吊唁的各国领导人一同向该国首位总理李光耀告别;因悼念“国父”的活动,新加坡近乎停摆。Grieving Singaporeans were joined by world leaders on Sunday to pay their final respects to the country's first prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, as the nation came to a near-halt to honor its "founding father".
数万名新加坡民众冒着大雨排列在道路两侧、挥舞国旗,为“国父”李光耀送行。李光耀的灵柩由炮车运载,在新加坡城市街头行驶15公里,向他一手打造的这个国家告别。Tens of thousands of people waving flags braved heavy rain and lined the streets to catch a last glimpse of Lee as his coffin was taken by gun carriage on a 15 km procession through the streets of the country he helped build to his state funeral.
到场送别李光耀的领导人中包括日本首相安倍晋三、印度总理莫迪、印度尼西亚总统佐科及美国前总统比尔·克林顿等,他们与李光耀的家人、新加坡政治人物以及2200人一同出席了李光耀的葬礼。Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, India's Narendra Modi, Indonesia's Joko Widodo and former U.S. President Bill Clinton were among the leaders brushing shoulders with Lee's family and Singapore politicians at the ceremony attended by 2,200 people.
新加坡总理、李光耀的儿子李显龙当天含泪用英文、马来语及中文发表了40分钟的悼词。His death has prompted an unprecedented show of mourning and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Lee's son, battled tears as he delivered a 40-minute eulogy in English, Malay, and Chinese.
新加坡全境鸣笛,默哀一分钟,公交车和火车暂停行驶。Public warning sirens sounded across the country to mark a minute's silence, with buses and trains coming to a halt.
新加坡民众很多身着黑白色服装,等候数小时观看送葬仪式,在灵车经过时高呼“李光耀”。街头有逾10万民众排列两旁送别这位领导人。Singaporeans, many dressed in the mourning colors of black and white, waited for hours to watch the procession, shouting "Lee Kuan Yew" as it passed. More than 100,000 people lined the streets to bid farewell to the departed leader.

云竹 发表于 2015-3-30 16:01


易八泰 发表于 2015-3-30 16:28

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