独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-30 13:45


China has provided a "priority" list to the United States of Chinese officials who are suspected of corruption and are believed to have fled to the U.S., a top state-run newspaper said on Wednesday.《中国日报》周三称,中国政府已经向美国提供一份“优先”名单,名单上的人涉嫌受贿并被认为已经逃往美国。
Last year, Chinese officials said more than 150 "economic fugitives", many of them described as corrupt government officials, were in the United States.中国官员去年称,超过150名经济罪犯逃往美国,其中很多是被指控腐败的政府官员。
Xu Jinhui, head of the anti-graft bureau at the state prosecutor, told the official China Daily that "a priority list of alleged Chinese corrupt officials" believed to be at large in the United States had been provided to U.S. authorities.最高检察院反贪总局局长徐进辉对《中国日报》称,已经向美国当局提供优先名单,名单上的人是涉嫌受贿的中国官员,他们被认为在美国逍遥法外。
Xu said most suspected corrupt officials overseas either worked for the government or state-owned enterprises and took bribes or embezzled public funds. 徐进辉指出,外逃的腐败嫌疑人是在政府或是国有企业工作,涉嫌受贿或是挪用公款。
Xu said Chinese authorities would start legal procedures to confiscate assets overseas "once in possession of solid evidence," the newspaper said徐进辉称,一旦掌握确凿证据,中国有关部门将依法启动程序,没收腐败官员的海外资产。
A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department declined to give details of a priority list, but said China had agreed to supply "more evidence regarding their priority fugitive cases, so that we can increase our focus on the location and prosecution or removal of these fugitives".美国国务院发言人拒绝透露有关“优先名单”的详情,但称中国方面已经同意提供“更多有关本国优先级逃犯案件的证据,以便我们能够更加专注于这些逃犯身处何地、相关指控以及遣送事宜”。
"We continue to encourage China to provide strong evidence and intelligence to ensure that our law enforcement agencies can properly investigate and prosecute cases related to the alleged corruption," the spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, said.“我方继续鼓励中方提供确凿的证据和情报,以确保我方执法机构进行适当的调查,并对与所谓腐败有关的案件提起指控,”美国国务院发言人帕萨基(Jen Psaki)说。
Psaki said whether or not any fugitive was returned to another country depended on whether the United States was satisfied the person would receive a fair trial and not be subject to torture or other forms of mistreatment.帕萨基还称,美方是否向他国遣返犯罪嫌疑人,取决于涉及国家是否满足美方有关让遣返人员受到公正审判、不会遭到拷打及其他形式虐待的条件。

hanhhhh2010 发表于 2015-3-30 15:18


aqltx746 发表于 2015-3-30 15:59

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