独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-30 21:12

【VOA 20150326】柬埔寨公开支持中国在南海问题的立场 网友评

Cambodia's leader has publicly endorsed China's position that territorial disputes in the South China Sea cannot be solved through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).柬埔寨领导人公开支持中国在南海主权争议问题上的立场,就是这一争议不能通过东盟来解决。
In Phnom Penh, Prime Minister Hun Sen said Wednesday the issue should be solved by the countries directly affected by the disputes. “Ultimately, it is not an issue for ASEAN as a whole. It is bilateral issue between the concerned countries, which need to talk between themselves," he said.柬埔寨首相洪森星期三在金边说,这个问题应该由直接受到争议影响的国家来解决。他说,“这个问题总体来说最终不是东盟的问题,而是有关国家的双边问题,因此需要在他们之间谈判。”
Beijing has said it only will negotiate territorial disputes in one-on-one negotiations and has rejected any multilateral venue for dealing with the issues.北京曾表示只会通过一对一的方式就领土争端进行谈判,并拒绝了以多边形式来解决这一问题。
But the Philippines and Vietnam, both members of ASEAN, have been pushing for a more regional and multi-lateral approach to the problem.但是东盟的两个成员国,菲律宾和越南,一直在推动这一问题更加区域化和多边化的解决方式。
Although this is the first time Cambodia's leader has explicitly stated his position on the issue, Phnom Penh came under fire by some for its handling of the matter while it held the chairmanship of ASEAN in 2012.尽管这是柬埔寨领导人首次公开声明他在这一问题上的立场,柬埔寨在2012年担任东盟主席国的时候就因对这一问题的处理方式受到批评。
During the 2012 ASEAN summit, the regional leaders failed to issue a joint declaration. Critics said the failure was caused by Cambodia protecting China's position on the South China Sea issue.在当年东盟峰会上,各国领导人没有发布联合声明。批评人士说这是由于柬埔寨保护中国在南海问题上的立场所致。
Hun Sen well said mr. Xi's words.洪森很好的传达了习先生的话。
There are not surprises here when Cambodia is siding with China. Because the Cambodian has been getting much financial, investment, and assistance from China and historically had deep hatred with the Vietnamese.毫无意外,柬埔寨肯定和中国站一起。因为柬埔寨从中国获得经济和投资等各种援助,而且在历史上还曾共同抗越。
China is learning from white people. White people killed the natives and took their land in N America, S America, Hawaii, Polynesia Islands, Greenland, Australia, New Zealand...... China is taking a pieces of rocks in its front yards. Stop crying.中国正在学习白人。白人在美洲、夏威夷、波利尼西亚、格陵兰、澳大利亚和新西兰杀害了当地土著民……中国如今在家门口捡起一块石头,别哭。

c0215 发表于 2015-3-30 21:58

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