独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-31 11:01

【VOA 20150325】美国对亚投行担心但不排除合作 网友评

China has set the end of March as a deadline for countries to become founding members of a new multi-billion dollar Beijing-led development bank. As the date approaches, a growing number of U.S. allies in Europe and Asia have jumped on board or are considering signing up. Even Washington, which has discouraged countries from joining, is talking more about cooperation.中国为各国加入“亚洲基础设施投资银行”、成为创始成员设定的最后期限是三月底。随着截止日期的临近,越来越多的美国在欧洲和亚洲的盟国已经正式加入。美国虽然仍对“亚投行”将设立的管治标准表示担忧,但也越来越多地谈论合作了。
The international community has long urged China to play a bigger role in global affairs, but when Beijing announced last year it was establishing the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank or AIIB, the United States was skeptical.国际社会希望中国在全球事务中发挥更大的作用,但当北京去年宣布将成立亚洲基础设施投资银行时,美国持怀疑态度。美国敦促各国在加入前充实有关“亚投行”标准如何应对环境和社会保障问题的细则。
But when Britain signed up earlier this month, others followed, noting the best way to shape those concerns was from the inside and not from the sidelines.不过,当英国本月初宣布加入之后,其它国家纷纷效仿,并且表示解决这些担忧的最好方法是加入进去,从内部做工作。
Asia analyst Alejandro Reyes said Washington’s response was a reflection of outdated thinking. “Not participating in the AIIB is like being on the playground and all the children are playing a game and you’re there, you really need to be in the game, but just because people are not playing with your ball or whatever, you’re going to sit in the corner,” said Reyes.亚洲事务分析人士阿里汉德拉·雷耶斯说,美国的反应是华盛顿过时想法的反映。他说:“不加入‘亚投行’就像是所有的孩子都在操场上做游戏,你也去了,也想参加游戏;但只是因为其它人不玩你的游戏或者不按你的玩法,你就坐在角落里看着。”
The U.S. was concerned about how the AIIB may be trying to replace institutions such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank and that makes Washington hesitant, he said.美国外交关系协会高级研究员罗伯特·卡恩说,美国担心的是“亚投行”可能会取代世界银行和亚洲发展银行,因此犹豫不决。
Analysts said it was unlikely that Washington would join before the March 31 deadline. Even if it wanted to, politics were clearly a factor, said Robert Kahn, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.分析人士说,华盛顿不太可能赶在在 3 月 31 日的最后期限前加入。外交关系办公厅的高级官员卡恩说,即使它想加入,政治因素也是一个考虑。
“In a world with better politics, the U.S. would be joining this institution, but because of the environment on the Hill, the United States is not only not in a position where it could join this institution and get it approved by Congress,” said Kahn. "It can’t get even basic reform in the IMF through in a way that would make the existing institutions more attractive to the rising powers.”卡恩说:“在政治因素好的情况下,美国将会加入这一机构;但是由于国会山上的环境,美国不仅对加入与否不能做主,需要国会批准,美国也无法对国际货币基金组织进行最基本的改革,使其对新兴的强国更具吸引力。”
China and other developing nations have been seeking a bigger say in global economic governance, but reforms of voting rights at the International Monetary Fund that would make that happen have been stalled in Congress since 2010. That delay has led China and other countries to look elsewhere and consider creating their own institutions.中国和其它发展中国家一直寻求在全球经济管理中有更大的话语权,但国际货币基金投票权的改革,2010年以来在美国国会受到搁置。中国等国因此寻求其它方式。
Asia has a massive demand for infrastructure. The U.S./Japan led Asian Development Bank estimates around $800 billion annually, and since that bank can only meet a portion of those needs, there is plenty of room for the AIIB to help.亚洲的基础设施建设资金的需求巨大。美国和日本主导的亚洲开发银行估计,每年需要大约8千亿美元,而亚行只能满足所需资金的一部分,亚洲基础设施投资银行的建立有助填补资金缺口。
Officials at the IMF, World Bank and Asia Development Bank say they are already looking for ways to cooperate with the AIIB.国际货币基金、世界银行和亚行官员表示,正在探讨跟亚投行合作的途径。
U.S. officials say they welcome new multilateral institutions that would incorporate the high standards the international community has collectively built. Washington is also encouraging the AIIB to work with the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to ensure high standards are maintained.美国官员说,他们欢迎那些吸收了国际社会业已建立的高标准的新的多边机构。华盛顿还鼓励亚投行跟世界银行和亚行合作,确保这些高标准得到延续。
China has echoed those concerns, stressing that the fund will uphold high standards, but most of the operational details will not become clear until founding members hammer them out in the coming months.中国表达了同样的关切,强调亚投行将维护高标准。不过,在创始成员在接下来的几个月敲定经营细节之前,外部不了解绝大多数运转细节。
Tom Wright, director of the Project of International Order and Strategy at the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C. said it remained to be seen how China would assume its new leadership role and whether it would work together with existing institutions or go in a different direction.华盛顿布鲁金斯学会国际秩序与战略项目负责人汤姆·莱特认为,中国将如何担当起新的领导作用以及它是否会跟现有的金融机构合作,还是走不同的路,还有待观察。
Beijing has said the AIIB is seeking to launch with at least $100 billion in funds, most from China.北京说,亚投行寻求至少1千亿美元的初始基金,其中绝大部分来自中国。
USA will try everything to undermine AIIB. Just watch.美国会想尽一切办法来抑制亚投行,看着吧。
Canada, don't trust China. Don't deal with the devil or you'll regret it.加拿大,别相信它啊。别跟那坏蛋玩不然你会后悔的。
good job China! come on Canada, do something!做得好啊中国!加拿大加油,行动吧!

Pentium_5 发表于 2015-3-31 12:21

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