独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-31 11:44

【路透社20150331】日本仍对加入亚投行“非常谨慎” 网友训话

Finance Minister Taro Aso said on Tuesday that Japan remains "very cautious" about joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), indicating that Tokyo will miss the March 31 deadline for application.日本财务大臣麻生太郎周二表示,日本对于加入中国牵头成立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)仍持“非常谨慎”的态度,表明日本不会赶在3月31日截止日前申请加入。
Aso reiterated Japan's concerns about governance at the institute, its debt sustainability and environmental and social safeguards.麻生太郎重申,日本担心亚投行的治理、债务可持续性、社会环保等问题。
"Unless these conditions are secured, Japan has no choice but to be very cautious about joining," Aso told reporters after a cabinet meeting.“除非这些条件有把握,否则日本只能对加入持非常谨慎的态度,”麻生太郎在内阁会议后对记者表示。
网友评: Japen is not welcome.日本不受欢迎。 the Japanese always learn the hardest way... look at Okinawa 日本人总是知道往死角里走……看看冲绳 Not joining this Chinese led AIIB would be your worst nightmare !! Its time to use your brains, Japanese ! No brains No gains !不加入中国领导的亚投行将是日本的噩梦。日本人,是时候开动脑筋了。唯有动脑才有收成!

fshysh 发表于 2015-3-31 12:27

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