独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-3-31 19:08


The buffet meal scene may resemble the siege of the Bastille. Somehow, ordinarily sensible people fear that the food will be taken away before they get some, or that others will take all of the choice items, leaving them to munch on radishes.自助餐厅现场看起来可能像是巴士底狱围攻战。不知为什么,一般人都怕别人把好吃的都拿光,留下自己啃萝卜。
This irrational approach results in the two major buffet blunders: approaching the table too quickly and putting too much food on your plate.这种不理性的思维方式令人们吃自助餐时犯下两大错误:太早围着自助餐台,往盘里放的食物太多。
Never ample the food before the buffet is officially open. Just because cold platters are there before the hot dishes are set out does not signal a call to action, and it creates undue stress on the serving staff.自助餐没有正式开始前不要走向自助餐台。上热菜前摆着冷盘不是开餐信号,过早聚拢会对服务员造成不必要的压力。
Before piling food on your plate, look at the dining tables. If utensils are already there, you don't need to look for them at the buffet table.往餐盘里放食物前,看看餐桌。如果上面已有餐具了,就不需要再去自助餐台找了。
Remember, if place cards are set out on the table, do not shift them around to suit yourself.记住,不要随自己高兴摆弄餐桌上已放好的席次牌。
Look to see whether the buffet has one or two lines.看看有几个排队队伍。
Gender and status privileges do not apply in the buffet line. Don't try to get ahead of anyone, and don't break up a couple or a group going through the line together.自助餐排队没有性别和地位特权。别想着挤到谁前面去,也别把一起排队的情侣或一群人拆散。
If one item is in short supply, go easy on it. At a restaurant or hotel, it is fine to ask to have a dish replenished. At a private party, don't ask.如果某道菜短缺,就少拿点。饭店或者酒店里,可以再让服务员把食物添上。但私人聚会上别这么要求。
Use the serving spoon or fork provided for a particular dish, and put the serving piece next to the platter or chafing dish when you are finished. A hot metal spoon in a chafing dish could burn the fingers of another diner.使用为特殊菜品准备的公用匙或者公用叉,取餐后放回盘子或者保暖锅的旁边。金属汤匙放在保暖锅里不取出来可能会让其他就餐者烫伤手指。
Never overload your dish. Going back for seconds or thirds is perfectly acceptable. Don't take platefuls of food for others at your table. That defeats the whole idea of a buffet, which is offering a multitude of choices for a variety of tastes and appetites.餐盘里不要装太多食物。吃完了再回来取第二次第三次是完全没问题的。别帮同桌的其他人取餐,要不然自助餐就没意义了,自助餐本就是为了大家能按照自己口味和偏好进行选择。
Serving Stations服务台
When various dishes are served at serving stations, as at a brunch buffet, remember that the attendants are limited in what they can provide. Special requests are okay, as long as they are easily accomplished. And only ask for added ingredients that are in sight and readily available.在有服务台提供菜品的场合,譬如早午自助餐,记住服务员只能提供他们能提供的。提一些特殊要求也没有问题,只要这些要求容易满足。需要额外的配料时,只向服务员要眼前现成的。
In a restaurant, plenty of clean, freshly polished plates should be available, which means you should not have to reuse a plate. When you're going back to the buffet for seconds, don't hesitate to ask a server to replace a plate or silverware, or retrieve what you need at the buffet table.餐馆里应该有供应干净光亮的盘子,没有必要重复使用盘子。如果你第二次取餐,别犹豫,尽管让服务员帮忙换一个盘子或者银餐具,或者自己在自助餐台上取。
In a private home, use common sense to determine whether you should retain your plate or ask for a new one. In any case, never scrape and stack your plates when you're finished.参加私人聚会的时候,使用常识判断是否应该重复使用还是换一个新盘子。无论怎么样,吃完后都不要刮盘子或者把盘子堆起来。
Sitting Down坐下吃饭
If people invite you to join their table as you leave the buffet line, either accept graciously or find a way to decline just as graciously.要是取完餐后有人邀请你一起就坐,无论接受还是拒绝都请保持风度。
Even though people at your table will be sitting down to eat at different times, it's still a good idea to keep pace generally with others at the table, while engaging them in conversation. If you need to leave the table temporarily, be sure to place your napkin on the seat or arm of your chair. Napkins should not go back on the table until you are leaving for good.尽管大家落座的时间不太一样,但可以一边跟同桌的人聊天,一边跟他们保持大致一样的吃饭节奏。如果需要暂时离开餐桌,请确保把餐巾放在座位或者椅子扶手上。餐巾不应该放回桌上,除非你不再回到桌上。
Standing Up立式自助餐
If you're eating while standing up, at a stand-up buffet or a cocktail party, it's even more important to avoid overloading your plate. That way you can circulate a bit. Keep your food in your left hand so that your right is available for handshakes. You put yourself at a great disadvantage if both hands are occupied with food and drink.如果你参加的是立式自助餐或者鸡尾酒会,就更得避免装太多的食物了。那样你可以稍微走动一下。把食物放在左手,右手就可以腾出来跟人握手。如果你两只手都拿着食物和饮料,就会非常尴尬。
When you settle on a place to stand, make sure you are not blocking the door or a path to the buffet table. But remember that social meals are seldom about the food itself, so mix and mingle.如果你找到站的地方,请确保你没有挡住通往自助餐台的门或者通道。但记住,社交聚餐通常不是为了吃,多多聊天和交际才是正道。
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查看完整版本: 【路透社20150331】你不可能错过的现代礼仪:自助餐攻略