独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-2 13:08


For Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who will address a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress later this month, there are expectations he will use the high-profile occasion to answer regional demands for a public apology for Japan's wartime atrocities. However, given how his recent statement of regret was received in South Korea, there may be little he can say that will satisfy skeptics in the region.日本首相安倍晋三本月末(4月29日)将在美国国会联席会议上发表演说,有预期认为他将利用这个场合回应邻国对于日本过去战时暴行公开道歉的要求。但是考虑到安倍首相最近表示遗憾的声明在韩国得到的回应,恐怕这一次他的言论也无法满足邻国的质疑。

In advance of his trip to Washington, Abe addressed the issue of comfort women, the over 200,000 women in Asia who were forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War II. In an interview with The Washington Post last week, Abe said essentially that his heart aches when he thinks about the pain and suffering of those victimized by human trafficking.安倍晋三首相在出访华盛顿之前,针对慰安妇问题发表了讲话。超过20万的亚洲女性在二战期间被强迫成为日本士兵的性奴。安倍在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访的时候说,每当他想到这些因人口贩运而经历了痛苦和苦难的受害者,就感到很心痛。

Abe's words though did little to appease Ahn Seon-mi, with The Korean Council For The Women Drafted For Military Sexual Slavery By Japan, a group that represents the surviving Comfort Women, who are all now over 90 years old.他的这番话无法平息日本强征随军性奴隶妇女协会的安善敏。这个韩国组织代表了幸存的慰安妇,她们现在都年逾90。

Ahn said the group thinks there is a hidden intention in use of the words "human trafficking" in Abe’s sudden comments, meant to downsize the issue by covering the nature of sex slavery.她说,他们认为安倍这番突然的评论中使用“人口贩运”一词有其隐藏的目的,为的是掩盖性奴隶的事实,避重就轻。

Abe has appealed to patriotism and nationalism to gain political support for his agenda that includes re-interpreting Japan’s pacifist constitution to take on a more active military role in the region and more conservative free-trade economic policies.安倍通过呼吁爱国主义和民族主义来为他的议程赢得政治上的支持,包括重新解读日本和平宪法来采取更活跃的区域军事角色,以及更保守的自由贸易经济政策。

But he also stirred public anger in South Korea and China when he visited a controversial World War II shrine that includes some Japanese war criminals.但是他参拜供有一些日本战犯灵位的存在争议的靖国神社,也激起了韩国和中国的民愤

Comments by Japanese nationalists saying the comfort women were not forced but participated voluntarily in prostitution, and a cabinet official saying that the government might alter the 1993 Kono Statement that offered apologies and remorse to comfort women, further increased tensions.日本民族主义者的言论称慰安妇并不是被强迫,而是自愿参与性交易。还有一位内阁官员表示,政府可能修改1993年的河野谈话,那份谈话对慰安妇表示歉意和懊悔。这些言论进一步加剧了紧张局势。

Tsuneo Watanabe, a foreign policy analyst with the Tokyo Foundation, said much of the criticism by some of the prime minister’s detractors, and some of the rhetoric by his supporters, do not represent Abe’s views.东京财团的外交政策分析员渡部恒雄(Tsuneo Watanabe)表示,批评首相的大多数言论,及支持者的部分言论并不代表安倍的观点。

“Sometimes Prime Minster Abe is misunderstood as a history revisionist, so- called. I don’t think Prime Minister Abe is and his position is clear," Watanabe said.渡部恒雄说,“有时候,外界把安倍首相误解所谓的历史修正主义者。我不认为他是,他的立场其实很明确。”

Abe has said he will uphold the 1993 Kono Statement, as well as the Murayama Statement in 1995 that apologized for the damage and suffering caused by Japan during World War Two, and the Koizumi Statement in 2005 stating Japan must never again take the path to war.安倍曾表示他将坚持1993年的河野谈话,及为日本在二战中导致的破坏和苦痛表示歉意的1995年村山谈话,还有表示日本决不会再次走上战争之路的2005年小泉谈话。

When he addresses the U.S. Congress on April 29, Watanabe thinks Abe should clarify his position and could enlist the U.S. to help ease regional tensions over Japan’s wartime past.渡部恒雄认为,安倍在美国国会讲话时,应该澄清他的立场,并取得美国的帮助,来缓解区域内因为日本战争历史而产生的紧张关系。

“And it’s very important to share these kinds of things with American people. I think that is very important because Americans are very influential to Japan’s regional neighbors," Watanabe said.他说,“和美国人民分享这类的事情很重要。我认为那很重要,因为美国人对日本的邻国很有影响力。”

But Ahn said Abe has now lost all credibility. 但是安善敏认为,安倍已经失去了所有的信誉。

She said this is not the first time that Abe said he would uphold the statements. However, she said it was hard to trust him because his actions do not always match his words.她说,安倍说他会支持这些声明已经不是第一次了,由于安倍言行不一,所以已经不能信任他了。

Still, there has been some diplomatic progress made to resolve these grievances. The foreign ministers from Japan, China and South Korea recently met for the first time in three years to discuss this and other issues that divide them.与此同时,针对这些不满,政府间还是取得了一些外交进展。日本、中国和韩国的外长最近进行了三年内首次会面,讨论包括慰安妇在内的导致三国产生分歧的问题。

South Korean President Park Geun-hye also met briefly with Abe while attending the state funeral of Singapore’s late leader Lee Kuan Yew. They reportedly discussed taking further steps to resolve their differences on these historical issues.韩国总统朴槿惠也在参加新加坡国父李光耀的葬礼时与日本首相安倍晋三短暂会晤。据报道,他们讨论了采取进一步措施,解决双方在历史问题上存在的分歧。
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