Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-2 16:41


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-2 16:47 编辑

【中文标题】伊斯兰国的危机:阿联酋将派F-16中队支援约旦【原文标题】Islamic State crisis: UAE sends F-16 squadron to Jordan【更新时间】7 February 2015 Last updated at 17:57【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】Jordan has intensified attacks on IS after the murder of a Jordanian pilot约旦在约旦飞行员凶杀案发生后加强了对IS的袭击

The United Arab Emirates has said it is sending F-16 fighters to Jordan to support the country's airstrikes against Islamic State (IS) militants.阿拉伯联合酋长国已经表示,正在派遣F-16战机至约旦,来支援该国对伊斯兰国(IS)武装分子的空袭。
Jordan has pledged retaliation against IS after the group posted a video of a Jordanian pilot being burnt alive.在IS公布了约旦飞行员被活活烧死的视频后,约旦已经承诺报复IS。

The UAE stopped taking part in coalition airstrikes against IS after Moaz al-Kasasbeh was seized last year.在去年Moaz al-Kasasbeh被扣押后,阿联酋取消了参加反IS联合空袭。
It is not clear if the UAE squadron will be carrying out raids on IS from Jordan.目前尚不清楚,在约旦的阿联酋F-16中队是否会开展对IS的袭击。
The move "reaffirms the UAE's unwavering and constant solidarity with Jordan", the country's official news agency reported.此举“重申阿联酋的坚定立场和继续声援约旦”,阿联酋官方通讯社报道。
A video of Lt Kasasbeh, 26, being burned alive in a cage was posted online by IS earlier this week.26岁的中尉Kasasbeh被活活烧死在笼子的视频在本周早些时候被发布到网上。
He was captured by the militants in December after his F-16 fighter jet crashed in Syria. The video is believed to have been filmed on 3 January.在12月他驾驶F-16战斗机在叙利亚坠毁,他被武装分子抓获。该视频被认为是在1月3日拍摄。
'Upping the ante'“加大赌注”
After the murder of Lt Kasasbeh, Jordan's Foreign Minister, Nasser Judeh, said the country was "upping the ante" against IS.中尉Kasasbeh谋杀案发生后,约旦外交大臣纳赛尔·朱达称该国“加大对IS的赌注”。
The US-led coalition against IS has carried out hundreds of raids against targets in Iraq and Syria since August last year.自去年八月以来,以美国为首的反IS联军已经在伊拉克和叙利亚境内进行了数百次空袭。
Until now, Arab states have only been involved in a fraction of the US-led air campaign against the militants.迄今为止,阿拉伯国家只参与了以美国为首对武装分子的空袭行动中的一小部分。
The focus of Jordan's air strikes is reported to be Raqqa, the IS stronghold in Syria.据报道,约旦的空中打击目标的是IS在叙利亚的据点Raqqa。
One of those strikes killed a US aid worker, according to IS militants holding her hostage.其中一次空袭杀害了一名美国救援人员,绑架她作为人质的IS武装分子透露。

Kayla Jean Mueller was taken captive by IS in Aleppo, Syria, on 4 August 2013Kayla Jean Mueller于2013年8月4日在叙利亚Aleppo被IS绑架。
But the parents of captured aid worker Kayla Jean Mueller have urged IS to make contact with them, and to treat Ms Mueller as a "guest".但被绑架的救援人员Kayla Jean Mueller的父母催促IS联系他们,并要求把Mueller女士待为“客人”。
IS released images of a ruined building where it says she died, but no images of the aid worker herself.IS公布了她死在被摧毁的建筑物的照片,但没有她本人的照片。
White House officials say they have seen no proof she was killed.白宫官员说,他们没有看到任何证据证明她是被打死了。
Jordan dismissed the reports as propaganda.约旦否认了该宣传报告。

胆艺轩 发表于 2015-4-2 16:53

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