Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-3 16:55


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-3 16:58 编辑

【中文标题】英国寻求中国支持亚洲银行会员【原文标题】UK seeks membership of China-backed Asia bank【更新时间】13 March 2015 Last updated at 05:54【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】

Joining the AIIBwould help the UK and Asia invest and grow together, UK Chancellor GeorgeOsborne said英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本说:加入AIIB将帮助英国和亚洲的投资,共同成长。
Britain says it wants to become a"prospective founding member" of a new China-backed bank that could rivalthe likes of the World Bank.英国表示,它想成为一个新的、中国支持的、可以媲美世界银行的银行 “准创始成员之一”。
The UK would be the first big Westerneconomy to apply to become a prospective member of the institution.英国将是第一个大的申请成为该机构准会员的西方经济体。
Launched in Beijing last year, it is calledthe Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).北京去年推出该银行,它被称为亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB)。
Its aim is to lend money to regionalinfrastructure projects. However, it has raised concerns in the US.其目的是把钱借用于区域性基础设施项目。然而,这已引起了美国的担忧。
There are worries around the new institution'sability to meet the level of transparency and governance that othermultilateral institutions, such as the World Bank and the Asian DevelopmentBank (ADB), need to reach.忧虑这个新机构的能力能否满足透明度和管理,达到其他多边机构的水平,如世界银行和亚洲开发银行(ADB)。
There are also concerns that the AIIB'slending decisions could be used by China to promote its own interests.还有AIIB的贷款决策可用于中国获取自身利益的担忧。
Once operational, the AIIB would aim toboost investment across the Asian region in areas including agriculture,transportation and energy.一旦投入使用,AIIB的目标将是提高整个亚洲地区的投资领域包括农业,交通,能源。
Some 21 nations came together last year tosign a memorandum for the bank's establishment, including Singapore, India andThailand.去年有21个国家达成共识,为了银行的建立签署了一份备忘录,其中包括新加坡,印度和泰国。
Political response
UK Chancellor George Osborne said the UKhad "actively promoted closer political and economic engagement with theAsia-Pacific region" and that joining the AIIB at the founding stage wouldcreate "an unrivalled opportunity for the UK and Asia to invest and growtogether".英国财政大臣乔治·奥斯本说,英国已经“积极推动与亚太地区更紧密的政治和经济交往”,并认为,在创始阶段加入AIIB将创造“为英国和亚洲的一个无与伦比的机会投资,共同成长”。
In reaction to the Britishannouncement, the White House issued a statement saying: "Thisis the UK's sovereign decision. We hope and expect that the UK will use itsvoice to push for adoption of high standards."在英国公开宣布后,白宫发表声明说:“这是英国的主权决定,我们希望并期待,英国将利用自己的声音来推动采用高标准。”
In November last year, Australia's PrimeMinister Tony Abbott offered lukewarm support to the AIIB, but said its actionsmust be transparent.去年十一月,澳大利亚总理艾伯特对AIIB提供不冷不热的支持,但表示,其行动必须是透明的。
file:///C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image004.jpg Speaking inBeijing last year, Mr Abbott said Australia would only sign up to "agenuinely multilateral body"说起去年在北京,雅培表示,澳大利亚将只注册为“一个真正的多边机构”
US PresidentBarack Obama, who met Mr Abbott on the sidelines of a Beijing summit last year,agreed the bank had to be transparent, accountable and truly multilateral.美国总统奥巴马,去年在北京峰会会见了Abbott先生,同意该银行必须是透明的,负责任和真正的多边。
"Thoseare the same rules by which the World Bank or IMF (International Monetary Fund)or Asian Development Bank or any other international institution needs to abideby," Mr Obama said at the time.“这些都是世界银行和IMF(国际货币基金组织)和亚洲开发银行或任何其他国际机构都需要遵守的规则,”奥巴马当时说。
The FinancialTimes (FT) newspaper reported on Thursday that US officials had complainedabout the British move.金融时报(FT)报纸周四报道,美国官员曾抱怨英国的举动。
The reportcited an unnamed senior US administration official as saying the Britishdecision was taken after "virtually no consultation with the US".报道援引一位不愿透露姓名的美国高级政府官员的话说:英国的决定“几乎没有与美国协商”。
"We are wary about a trend towardconstant accommodation of China," the newspaper quoted the US official assaying.“我们很警惕对中国不断联系紧密的趋势,”该报援引美国官员的话说。

Control andmoney控制和资金
The 21founding member countries of the AIIB have agreed the basic parameters thatwould determine the capital structure of the new bank would be relative grossdomestic product.AIIB的21个创始成员国已经同意,相对国内生产总值(GDP)将决定新银行的资本结构。
Bankingexperts have estimated that, if taken at face value, this would give China a67% shareholding in the new bank.银行业专家估计,如果这真的实施,这将使中国在新银行占有67%的股份。
When asked ifBritain would seek assurances before it signed on as a member that no onecountry would be able to unilaterally control the AIIB, economist David Kuotold the BBC that the UK "wouldn't have a great deal of say in thematter".当被问及英国在其签约成为会员之前,是否将寻求保证没有一个国家将能够单方面控制AIIB,经济学家大卫·郭告诉英国广播公司,英国“在此事上不会有很大发言权”。
"He whopays the piper calls the tune," he said. "The UK could try andnegotiate a power to veto projects but it is unlikely to get it," Mr Kuo,who is from investment advisers The Motley Fool, said.“谁出钱谁做主,英国可以尝试和洽谈否决项目的权力,但它不太可能得到它,”郭先生, The Motley Fool的投资顾问说。
The UK wascaught between the US on the West and China in the East, he added.英国被夹在以美国为首的西方和以中国为首的东方之间,他补充说。
"It hopesthat it can exert force from within, rather than put pressure from the outside- but is only one voice in a crowd of many."“它希望能够从内部发力,而不是把压力放在外面 - 但是[英国]在人群中很多只有一个声音”
With regard tothe competition the AIIB would give the ADB or World Bank, Mr Kuo said therewere plenty of infrastructure projects in Asia that needed funding.关于AIIB将给亚行或世界银行带来的竞争,郭表示,有大量的资金需要投入到亚洲的基础设施项目。
"Theexisting sources of money can't do everything. So every little helps."“货币的现有资源不能做一切。只是一个小小的帮助。”

红旗跃过汀江 发表于 2015-4-3 18:36

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