Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-3 17:04


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-3 17:06 编辑

【中文标题】以色列大选:美国关注'分裂'的谣言【原文标题】Israel election: US concern over 'divisive' rhetoric【更新时间】18 March 2015 Last updated at 21:38【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】
file:///C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image002.jpg Polls had suggested Mr Netanyahu wastrailing his main rival in the vote民意调查显示在大选中内塔尼亚胡被他的主要对手紧紧尾随。

The White House has condemned what itcalled "divisive rhetoric" in the Israeli election, won by BenjaminNetanyahu's Likud party.白宫谴责在以色列大选中所谓“分裂”的修辞,赢得了内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团。
The US, EU and UN have also urged him tocontinue with the two-state solution to the Palestinian issue.美国、欧盟和联合国也敦促他继续解决和巴勒斯坦的问题。
During campaigning, Mr Netanyahu said hewould not allow the creation of a Palestinian state if re-elected.在竞选期间,内塔尼亚胡表示, 如果连任的话,他不会允许建立一个巴勒斯坦国。

He aims to build a new coalition governmentwithin two to three weeks, his party says.他的目标是在两到三周内建立一个新的联合政府,他的政党说。

White Housespokesman Josh Earnest said: "It has been the policy of the United Statesfor more than 20 years that a two-state solution is the goal of resolving theconflict between the Israelis and Palestinians."白宫发言人欧内斯特说:“这是美国20多年来的政策,两国解决方案的目标是解决以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的冲突。”

The US would"re-evaluate our approach" in the wake of Mr Netanyahu's commentsruling out a Palestinian state, he said.他说,美国将“重新评估我们的方法”,在内塔尼亚胡宣称要清除巴勒斯坦国家之后。

On a warningfrom Mr Netanyahu that his opponents were bussing Arab-Israeli voters topolling stations, he said: "Rhetoric that seeks to marginalise one segmentof their population is deeply concerning and it is divisive, and I can tell youthat these are views the administration intends to communicate directly to theIsraelis."内塔尼亚胡警告称,他的对手拉拢阿以投票站选民,他说:“花言巧语旨在边缘化一部分人是值得深深担忧,这是分裂的,我可以告诉你,这些观点是政府打算直接传达给以色列人。”

Mr Earnestadded that President Barack Obama was yet to congratulate Mr Netanyahu on hiswin but would do so in the coming days once he had been directed to form agovernment, as in previous elections.Earnest先生补充说, 在较早的选举中,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)还没有向内塔尼亚胡选举胜利表示祝贺,但将在未来几天一旦他被选上指示组建政府,奥巴马会发来贺电。

UN spokeswomanFarhan Haq called on the new Israeli government to negotiate a peace that wouldcreate "a viable Palestinian state".联合国发言人Farhan哈克呼吁以色列新政府谈判和平,创建“一个可行的巴勒斯坦国”。

file:///C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image003.jpgMr Netanyahu said prayers at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest prayersite, the day after his win在选举胜利后,内塔尼亚胡在哭墙祈祷说,犹太教最神圣的祈祷。

The EU foreignaffairs chief, Federica Mogherini, congratulated Mr Netanyahu on his win andcalled for the re-launch of the Israel-Palestinian peace process.欧盟外交事务负责人Federica Mogherini,祝贺内塔尼亚胡赢得选举和呼吁重启巴以和平进程。

Talks havebeen on hold since the last round collapsed a year ago.会谈自一年前最后一次以来一直被搁置。


ThePalestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, said he would work with any Israeligovernment that accepts the two-state solution, without which, he said, peacenegotiations stood "no chance".巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德•阿巴斯说,他将与任何以色列政府,接受两国并存的解决方案,如果没有,他说,和平谈判 “没有机会”。

Sami AbuZuhri, a spokesman for Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, said it wasirrelevant who won the Israeli elections.哈马斯控制着加沙地带,哈马斯发言人萨米祖赫里说,以色列谁赢得了选举都是无关紧要的。

"We don'tdifferentiate between Israeli parties because they are bound to deny ourpeople's rights and continue the aggression on us," he said.“我们不区分以色列方,因为他们一定会剥夺人民的权利和继续侵略我们。”他说。

With almostall the votes counted, the latest tally gives Mr Netanyahu's Likud party 30seats in the 120-seat parliament, the Knesset, with Zionist Union on 24 seats.与几乎所有的选票,最新的数据显示议会120个席位给内塔尼亚胡的利库德集团30个席位,犹太复国主义联盟24个席位。

Mr Netanyahuhas not yet been asked to form a government, but the win makes him most likelyto be given the first opportunity by Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.内塔尼亚胡还没有要求组建政府,但这场胜利使他最有可能给Reuven Rivlin以色列总统的第一个机会。
The win comesas a surprise, as Likud trailed the Zionist Union in the latter stages of thecampaign.赢得选举让人惊奇的是, 在后期活动利库德集团落后犹太复国主义联盟。
Likud said MrNetanyahu had already spoken to parties he saw as possible coalition partners,including right-wing and ultra-Orthodox parties and the centrist Kulanu, whichwon 10 seats.利库德集团说,内塔尼亚胡已经跟他认为可能的联盟伙伴,包括右翼和极端正统派和中间派Kulanu赢得10个席位。
Kulanu'ssupport is likely to be essential, with its leader Moshe Kahlon offered thepost of finance minister by Mr Netanyahu ahead of the vote.Kulanu的支持可能是至关重要的,其领袖Moshe Kahlon提供的财政部长在内塔尼亚胡选举之前。
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