Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-3 17:11


【中文标题】朝鲜炫耀其“尖端”导弹【原文标题】North Korea flaunts its 'cutting-edge' missiles【更新时间】Updated 0610 GMT (1410 HKT) February 9, 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】
North Korea test-fired an"ultra-precision" intelligent rocket to be deployed across its navy,KCNA said on Feb. 7.朝中社2月7日报道,朝鲜试射了其海军装备的“超精密化”智能化新型反舰导弹。

(CNN)North Korea tested what it described as a new type of"cutting-edge" anti-ship missile with its leader Kim Jong Un picturedbeaming at the launch, as shown in state media on Saturday.(CNN)上周六朝鲜测试一种新型“尖端”反舰导弹,朝鲜媒体公布了其领导人金正恩视察导弹发射时的照片。
But some analysts are saying North Korea'stouted missiles appear to be Russian designs.但是,一些分析人士指出,朝鲜试射导弹似乎是俄罗斯安排的。
The announcement of the test also occursjust weeks before the annual joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises, thatannually draws colorful rhetoric and promises of catastrophe from Pyongyang.试射导弹正好发生在美韩年度联合军事演习前几周,平壤每年都会指责美韩联合军演是一种挑衅行为,会引发战争。
The test-firing took place in the East Seaand the North Korean media boasted that its "intelligent rocket preciselysought, tracked and hit the 'enemy' ship after taking a safe flight."试射发生在朝鲜东部海域,朝鲜媒体报道其“超精密化、智能化反舰导弹经过安全飞行后,正确识别并打击“敌船”。
The South Korean Defense ministry said fiveshort-range missiles were fired on Sunday with a range of 200 kilometers (124miles).韩国国防部说,上周日朝鲜发射了5枚短程导弹,射程200公里(124英里)。
The purpose of the new missiles are forNorth Korea to defend its waters and "strongly react to any attempt of theenemy's fleets of warships for military attack, through close combat or distantcombat," according to North Korea's state-run KCNA news agency.根据朝中社报道,新导弹的目的是保卫朝鲜自己的水域和“有效应对敌军军舰的军事打击,粉碎敌军通过近战或远距离攻击的任何企图”。
North Korean media also showed a beamingKim standing with military generals who were applauding. It also reported thatKim expressed "satisfaction" over the "highest level" ofrockets being developed in North Korea.朝鲜媒体也公布了开怀大笑的金正恩和军事将领们鼓掌的照片。同时报道说,金正恩表示对正在开发的朝鲜“最高级别”火箭非常“满意”。
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspectsthe test-firing of a new type of "anti-ship rocket."朝鲜最高领导人金正恩视察了这种新型“反舰导弹”的试射。

But that point is being disputed, as oneanalytical officer wrote the weapon appeared to be a Russian Kh-35E anti-shipcruise missile.但是,有一点存在争议,一个分析人士指出武器似乎是俄制Kh-35E反舰巡航导弹。
"Whether the KPN (Korean People'sNavy) acquired the system directly from Russia or a third party isunclear," wrote Joseph S. Bermudez in the North Korea analysis site, 38 North.“KPN(朝鲜人民军海军)是从俄罗斯直接收购该系统还是从第三方收购尚不清楚,”约瑟夫·贝穆德斯在朝鲜分析网站38 North写道。
"Should the new system be successfullyintegrated into the KPN and widely deployed it would represent a significantstep towards redressing the service's obsolescence and increasing the threatpoised to South Korean and U.S. Navy vessels in the region."“如果新系统成功地融入了KPN并广泛部署将是更新现役装备、提高应对韩美军舰在该地区威胁的显著一步。”
Bermudez also cautioned that this was onlya "potential development" as North Korea's military has a "longhistory of slow and often poor system integration."贝穆德斯也警告说,这只是一个“潜在开发”,因为朝鲜军方在一个“很长的历史里都处于缓慢且系统装备很差的状态。”

'Joint saber-rattling'“联合军演磨刀霍霍”
This year, North Korea has made the usualprotestations of the joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises, which it hasreferred in the past as "joint saber-rattling."今年以来,朝鲜已经多次抗议美韩联合军事演习,它在过去就指责演习是“联合武力恫吓”。
It offered a nuclear moratorium earlierthis year in exchange for canceling the joint exercises. But the U.S. rejectedthe proposal, with a State Department spokeswoman calling it a "false choice."在今年早些时候,它以暂停研制核武器为条件要求美韩取消联合军演。但美国拒绝了这一建议,美国国务院发言人称这是一个“错误的选择”。
Through KCNA, North Korea has sincedenounced U.S. with its colorful slogans as: "Let's wipe out andannihilate the enemy and give death to him!" and warning that the U.S. "imperialists will face final doom."朝鲜通过朝中社用丰富多彩的口号谴责美国:“让我们消灭和歼灭敌人,并给他的死亡”并警告说,美国的“帝国主义将面临最后的厄运。”
After the Korean War, which ended with anarmistice in 1953, the U.S. has maintained military personnel in South Korea.Based on a mutual defense treaty, the countries have carried out annual jointmilitary exercises between U.S. units and South Korean armed forces, that theysay are defensive in nature.朝鲜战争停战协议于1953年签署后,美国在韩国一直保持着驻军。根据共同防御条约,美韩进行美军和韩国军队之间的年度联合军事演习,他们说演习是防御性的。

fshysh 发表于 2015-4-3 19:23


強哥_e9Haz 发表于 2015-4-3 19:43

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