独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-3 22:25

【VOA 20150403】奥巴马与世界领导人的关系 网友评

Much has been said and written about the perceived dislike and disagreement between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who used a March 3 speech before the U.S. Congress to denounce U.S. efforts to forge a nuclear deal with Iran.奥巴马总统和内塔尼亚胡总理不喜欢对方以及两人的分歧一时间成为热门话题。内塔尼亚胡利用在美国国会发表讲话的机会指责美国与伊朗达成核协议的努力。
Former State Department Middle East Advisor Aaron David Miller says Obama and Netanyahu are not the first American and Israeli leaders to have what he calls a dysfunctional relationship.But in those cases, the Wilson Center analyst says, there was still accommodation and production amidst the dysfunction, unlike the relationship between Obama and Netanyahu.曾担任美国国务院中东问题顾问的米勒说,奥巴马和内塔尼亚胡不是第一对关系紧张的美国和以色列领导人,但可能是第一对不能克服障碍以求取得成果的美以领导人。
“Here you have dysfunction and no production, and that is, I think, a result of a confluence of differing personalities, different politics and different policies. It’s a perfect storm basically, and it’s resulted in probably the worst patch in the modern history of the U.S.-Israeli relationship,” said Miller.威尔逊中心分析员米勒说:“我认为,这是不同个性、不同政治和不同政策碰撞的结果。这基本上算是一种完美风暴,可能是现代美以关系史中最差的一段。”
Role of personal relationships私人关系在政策中到底占多少分量呢?
George Washington University Political Management Professor Matthew Dallek says if the relationship between both leaders were stronger and more resilient to begin with, it might not be so frayed right now.乔治华盛顿大学教授达莱克说,如果奥巴马总统和内塔尼亚胡总理的关系一开始时就比较牢固和富有弹性,可能就不会恶化到现在这种程度。
Dallek adds cultivating friendships with foreign heads of states is important for American presidents, particularly if a crisis occurs.达莱克认为,对美国总统来说,与外国领导人建立友谊很重要,特别是在发生危机时。
“I don’t want to overstate the importance of personal relationships, those can’t necessarily overcome major policy disagreements. Having said that, when issues are tough they can make a big difference,” said Dallek.他说:“我不想过分强调私人关系的重要性,这种关系未必能够克服重大的政策分歧。然而,在面对困难问题的时候,这种关系会发生重要作用。奥巴马总统一般来说更保守一些。”
In his six years in office, President Obama is not known to have forged many close friendships with world leaders, though he has been said to call British Prime Minister David Cameron “bro.”奥巴马总统6年任期里,没有与世界各国领导人建立很多密切的个人关系,尽管他说曾经称英国首相卡梅伦为“兄弟”。
The president has referred to his relationship with Israel’s prime minister as “business-like” and his ties with other world leaders are not said to be much different.奥巴马总统形容他与以色列总理之间是一种“公事公办”的关系,他与其他国家领导人的关系也基本如此。
Aaron David Miller, whose book The End of Greatness explores presidential performance, says successful world leaders have a love for politics and interaction. And personalities count. President Obama is more analytical and introverted in his approach.威尔逊中心学者米勒在他的《伟大的终结》一书中曾探讨历任总统的表现。米勒说,成功的世界领导人热爱政治,愿意与人互动,而奥巴马更偏重分析,而且更内向。
“In effect, you have a president who I think can be quite compelling at times when he does engage. The question is whether he enjoys it.He is more detached, more remote, less emotive than many of his predecessors including George W. Bush,” said Miller.他说:“我认为,当他与人接触的时候,有时会相当强势。问题在于他是不是喜欢这样做。与包括小布什在内的他的前任相比,他更超然,更保持距离,感情色彩比较少。”
Still, both Miller and Dallek say while developing a rapport and a level of trust is important, close personal relationships cannot overcome huge policy differences between world leaders.尽管如此,分析人士指出,尽管建立个人关系和互信固然重要,但密切的个人关系不能超越世界领导人之间重大的政策分歧。
Rubbish Obama and despicable Putin have built up real relationships.无能的奥巴马和卑鄙的普京建立起真正的人际关系。
There are all the cues in what is unsaid.尽在不言中

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-4-3 23:06

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