独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-3 22:27

【路透社 20150403】安倍将看美国脸色发表首相谈话 英网友评

When Prime Minister Shinzo Abe addresses Japan's wartime past in a statement marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, the reaction of ally Washington will likely be as much, if not more, on his mind than that of Asian nations that suffered from Japanese military aggression.日本首相安倍晋三将于今年8月发表二战结束70周年谈话,即所谓的“安倍谈话”。对盟友美国政府的反应,他将非常在意,至少不亚于他对曾遭日本侵略过的亚洲国家政府反应的关切。
U.S. officials have welcomed Abe's push to strengthen the alliance and give Japan a bigger global security role less constrained by its pacifist constitution. But they have also made clear they are loath to see Abe stir regional tensions with comments that critics could construe as whitewashing history.安倍推动强化与美国的联盟关系,并使日本在全球安全事务方面发挥更大的作用,美国官员对此表示欢迎。但他们也明确表示,不愿看到“安倍谈话”激起地区紧张局势。“安倍谈话”可能会被批评人士解读为为日本战争历史“洗白”。
Abe, whose conservative agenda includes a less apologetic stance over Japan's wartime past, has previously expressed reservations about earlier apologies. They include a 1995 landmark statement by then-premier Tomiichi Murayama and 1993 remarks by government spokesman Yohei Kono over "comfort women" forced to work in wartime military brothels.安倍之前曾表示,对之前有关道歉的“首相谈话”持保留意见。之前的“首相谈话”包括1995年具有里程碑意义的“村山谈话”,以及1993年承认日本曾强征慰安妇在日军慰安所工作的“河野谈话”等。
More recently, Abe has said he intends to uphold such statements but has also signaled he wants to issue forward-looking comments in his own words to mark the anniversary of the conflict's end in August.安倍在近期表示,他打算继承此类“谈话”,但同时暗示他希望用自己的话发表放眼未来的“谈话”来纪念二战结束。
One option, experts say, is for Abe to endorse past government apologies but stop short of repeating, as many in China and South Korea want, key phrases such as references to "colonial rule and aggression" and a "heartfelt apology".专家称,安倍的选择之一是支持之前政府的道歉做法,但不会像中国和韩国希望的那样,重复前政府“殖民统治以及侵略”、“表示由衷道歉”等诸如此类的措辞。
"If his strategy is to get past the issue and focus on the future, he can probably do that if he just embraces what previous administrations have said," said Scott Harold, deputy director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Policy at The Rand Corporation, a U.S.-based think tank.“如果他的策略是绕开该问题,把重点放在未来上,如果他只是支持前几任政府所发表的谈话,那么他可能会这么做,”美国智库兰德公司亚太政策中心副主任Scott Harold说。
"At that point, I don't think Chinese or Korean unhappiness would get much of an audience in the rest of Asia or the United States."“这种情况下,我认为中国和韩国届时表示不满,不会得到亚洲其他国家或美国的太多支持。”
Abe will be able to test the waters in high-profile speeches this month. First, he is expected to address a meeting in Indonesia on the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, a gathering of Asian and African leaders opposed to colonialism. Next, he will speak to a joint session of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives on April 29.安倍本月即将发表几场高调的讲话,将会是对“安倍谈话”反应的提前试水。首先,他可能会在印尼出席万隆会议60周年纪念首脑峰会时发表演说。接下来,他还将于4月29日在美国参众两院发表演讲。
Japan's chilly ties with China and South Korea, long plagued by history as well as territorial rows, have shown signs of a thaw, most recently when foreign ministers from the three countries agreed a leaders' summit should be held soon.日本与中国及韩国的关系受历史遗留问题及领土争端影响趋于冰点,但近期日本与中韩关系出现回暖迹象,三国最近举行外长会,达成了应当尽快举行领导人峰会的共识。
But Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi made clear that much of the outlook for improvement depended on Japan proving it was serious about acknowledging its wartime past. A spokesman for South Korea's Foreign Ministry said Abe's statement should include "comments that reflect a correct perception of history".但中国外长王毅明确表示,中日关系能否真正持续改善,取决于日方正视并妥善处理有关历史问题。韩国外交部发言人称,安倍谈话应当包括“反应(日方)正视历史问题的言论”。
Washington is keen to see better ties between Seoul and Tokyo, its two key Asian allies, but may not worry so much about complaints from Beijing, some U.S. experts said.一些美国专家称,韩国和日本都是美国在亚洲的重要盟国,美国迫切希望日韩关系改善,但可能不会对中方不满有过多担忧。
"My guess is that he will probably say enough so that America won't get that upset. Then I think he's ok even if China and South Korea give him a hard time, it will be contained."“我的猜测是,他(安倍)的谈话可能不会太过以致让美方非常不满。然后我认为,即使中韩随后会向他发难,但他不会觉得有问题,局面会得到控制。”一位美国专家称。
If Abe is honest and sincere, he should not have a difficult time making a speech. However, Abe seems always looking for wiggle room in his speech and in his actions when it comes to the war crimes Japan committed in the past. Abe thinks he can fool people, he is dead wrong.如果安倍讲诚信的话,他要发表的首相讲话就不会这么难。但面对日本过去犯下的罪行,他似乎总是在讲话和行动中留有回旋的余地。安倍觉得人们是傻子,可他大错特错。
WWII is over 50years ago and still the USA has military bases all over Europe, UK, Japan. End the freeloading - shut down all those military bases. No wonder the USA taxpayer is broke.二战结束50多年来,美国的军事基地仍遍布欧洲大陆、英国和日本。要关闭那些军事基地,停止不劳而获。真难怪美国纳税人都破产了。
Germany acknowledged their fault in WW2. Japan never did.德国承认二战中的错误罪行。日本从来没有这样做。
Too crafty, no sincerity. Abe and his people would have to sit in the corner until they sort that out.狡猾没诚意。等到安倍和他的日本人民想通的时候,他们早就蹲在角落喝西北风去了。
Whatever he'll say, it's all will be fake. One doesn't need to think what to say when telling the truth.他说什么都会是假的。一个人说真话时才不需要一直思考。
I have a lot of admiration for Abe who is the most patriotic prime minister in modern Japan.我对安倍抱有万分钦佩,他是日本现代史上爱国情怀最疯狂的日本首相。
China and Korea should boycott Japanese goods and services, period. Abe's recalcitrant attitude is just totally unacceptable.中韩应该联合抵制日本的商品和服务。安倍的拗强根本无法接受。
Seriously, if they washed clean their war crime what will they tell their younger generation regarding 2 A bombing site in their cities?话说回来,如果他们要清洗掉战争罪行,那他们应该怎么跟后代解释城市里的原子弹纪念景点?
Under Abe's policy, Japan plays victim of World War II. I don't think their neighbors will fall for that slimy policy.在安倍政策下,日本扮演二战的受害者。这么虚伪的套路,他们的邻国肯定不会买账。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-4-3 23:04

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