独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-4 19:59

【VOA 20150404】中国欢迎斯里兰卡禁止达赖喇嘛入境 网友评

Sri Lankan Buddhist monks have invited exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama to make his first visit to the island, after a strongly pro-China government was voted out in January, but an official said Colombo was unlikely to allow it.斯里兰卡的一些高僧今年三月到印度访问期间与达赖喇嘛见面并邀请他到斯里兰卡访问,达赖喇嘛也表示愿意应邀前往,但是斯里兰卡表示,基本确定不会让达赖喇嘛入境。
The top foreign minister said the government “may not grant a visa” even if the monks invited the Dalai Lama斯里兰卡外交部一名高级官员说,“他们可以邀请,但政府可能不会给达赖喇嘛签证。”
When asked whether the Dalai Lama’s visit to the island would be permitted, the minister said, “Dalai Lama is important but close relationship between China and Sri Lanka is more important.” He added that Sri Lanka has not changed its stance on its “One China” policy.这名官员在谈到是否允许达赖喇嘛入境时说, “达赖喇嘛很重要,但是与中国的亲密关系更重要,我们没有改变一个中国的立场。”
China offered Sri Lanka over $1 billion in grants during a four-day official visit to Beijing by Sirisena last week, underscoring how lucrative the relationship remains for the island that is rebuilding after a long civil war斯里兰卡总统最近访华期间,中国承诺向斯里兰卡提供十多亿美元的赠款。可见,中斯友好关系的维系对于内战后重建的斯里兰卡来说是多么弥足珍贵。
“Sri Lanka is a traditional friendly neighbor of China's and the China-Sri Lanka relationship has always developed smoothly. Sri Lanka fully understands and respects China's concerns on the relevant issue. We appreciate the Sri Lankan position. We are willing to work together with Sri Lanka to constantly strengthen our traditional friendly partnership,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular briefing in Beijing.“斯里兰卡是中国的老朋友、老邻居,中斯关系从来都发展顺畅。斯里兰卡充分理解和尊重中国在有关问题上的考虑。我们赞赏斯里兰卡的立场。我们愿意与斯方共同合作,不断巩固我们的传统友好合作。”中国外交部发言人华春莹在北京的例行记者会上说。
As China has grown more economically powerful it has used its influence to dissuade world leaders from meeting the Dalai Lama, whom it denounces as a dangerous separatist, but only a handful of countries outright prohibit him from visiting.中国当局一直利用其影响力,阻止外国领导人会见达赖喇嘛。虽然有些国家首脑迫于压力不与达赖喇嘛见面,但只有少数几个国家像斯里兰卡这样禁止达赖喇嘛入境。
people of the sri Lanka want to see the Dalai lama,Government ignoring these thing only focus on greed and PLA Money money money Reason....i think one day they want to see the Dalai lama it will be late.斯里兰卡人民想要见见达赖喇嘛,斯政府却忽略人们的愿望,只关心钱钱钱。我想有一天斯政府想见了但已来不及了。
It's shameful that the Sri Lankan Govt has kowtowed to the CCP & won't allow a visit by Tibetan Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama who was invited by Sri Lankan Buddhists.斯里兰卡政府向中国臣服,这是多么难堪的事情。一个不邀请也不想见,一个邀请了却不得见。
All your knowledge has obviously been gleaned from western media propaganda machines. Dalai Lama is the most hypocritical "Buddhist."你的见识很明显都是西方媒体宣传机器下的产品。达赖喇嘛是最虚伪的所谓的“佛教徒”。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-4-4 22:00


Pentium_5 发表于 2015-4-7 14:01

All your knowledge has obviously been gleaned from western media propaganda machines. Dalai Lama is the most hypocritical "Buddhist."
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