独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-4 20:00

【路透社20150404】中国协助外国公民撤离也门 外网友赞评

本帖最后由 独秀文译青年 于 2015-4-4 20:01 编辑

A Chinese naval frigate has evacuated 225 foreign citizens from strife-torn Yemen, its foreign ministry said, marking the first time that China's military has helped other countries evacuate their people during an international crisis. Ten different nationalities were among the evacuees picked up on Thursday afternoon from Aden, Yemen's second city, and transported to Djibouti, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on its website late Thursday.中国外交部周四晚间在网站上发布声明称,中国海军临沂舰搭载225名在也门的10个国家公民离开也门亚丁港驶往吉布提。这是中国军方首次在国际危机中帮助其他国家撤离公民。

The ministry said foreign governments - Pakistan, Ethiopia, Singapore, Italy, Germany, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Canada and Yemen - had requested China's help. A spokeswoman said it was the first time China had carried out a specific evacuation of foreign nationals from a danger zone.声明指出,巴基斯坦、埃塞俄比亚、新加坡、意大利、德国、波兰、爱尔兰、英国、加拿大和也门等国政府请求中国提供帮助。外交部发言人称,这是中国首次在危险地区帮助外国公民撤离。

A diplomatic source familiar with the operation said it was "very risky" and that fighting had come close to the Chinese warship. "The Chinese ship was in the right place at the right time," the source said.熟悉情况的外交消息人士称,这非常危险,战斗离中国军舰不远。“中国军舰在合适的时间抵达了正确的地点。”

A state television report on Friday showed evacuees, who were mostly Pakistani, arriving in Djibouti.中国中央电视台周五报导称,被撤离的侨民抵达吉布提,他们大多为巴基斯坦公民。

"We are really thankful to the Chinese government, who really helped us, and took us out (with) the school children," one woman told China Central Television.“我们非常感谢中国政府将我们和学生一起撤离,”一名女子对央视说道。

The broadcaster showed footage young children stepping off a Chinese warship waving Chinese flags, and in one case, kissing a seaman on the cheek.央视的画面显示,年轻的孩子挥舞着中国国旗走下军舰,还有孩子亲吻一名水兵面颊。

The evacuation of foreigners bolsters China's image at home and abroad, according to Shen Dingli, an international relations professor at Fudan University in Shanghai.复旦大学国际关系教授沈丁立表示,协助撤离外国侨民有助于提升中国在国内外的形象。

"We wouldn't look very good if we have the capacity to help others but no heart to do it," Shen said. "Now we look really good," he added.“如果我们有能力帮别人却不施以援手必定有损形象,现在我们的表现非常棒。”沈丁立说道。

China had earlier evacuated 571 of its own nationals, along with eight foreigners who worked for Chinese companies.此前,中国已经将571名中国公民全部安全撤离也门,并协助八名为中国企业工作的外国公民撤离。


I was hoping to see the news on American TV channels but got nothing, absolutely nothing about this uplifting event that benefited many people from many different countries. What China has done should be encouraged and praised. But the selfishness the mighty US is simply cannot do the one simple thing that at least to mention this in the news but avoid totally. Where is the freedom of press? Free at your well? Free to fit your political propaganda? What is the difference between the US propaganda than the one from China? The difference is China tells you that it is doing propaganda but the US does exactly the same but lies about it.我原本希望在美国电视台看到这则新闻,但结果他们没播,帮助了许多国家公民这么一件令人振奋的事,他们一点也没提。中国在此事的所作所为值得表扬。强大却自私的美国眼睁睁地忽略了这则新闻。新闻自由在哪?自由建立在你的利益至上?自由建立在你政治宣传至上?美国和中国的宣传有什么区别?区别就是中国明白告诉你这就是我的政治宣传,而美国却谎称自己的宣传、隐瞒自己的意图。

Not saying that Chinese navy is the God, showing up at the right time and the right place, but one can understand the feelings of those be saved to a safe place. It is about live and death.不是说中国海军是上帝,出现在对的时间和对的地点。但在危险中被救援到安全的地方,这种感觉大家都能理解。毕竟事关生死。

I like the fact that China is getting into the humanitarian business. That's what great powers do. It's not a competition with the United States, it's a great new presence in a world of need.对于中国的人道主义行为我表示称赞。这就是大国该做的。这不是和美国在竞争,而是有需要时作出的义气帮助。

Bravo... Keep up the good job...干得好... 继续努力...

zhmz888 发表于 2015-4-4 21:41

西方的所谓free medias is showing it's bottom again... it is not the first time and it would not be the last one either...

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-4-4 21:57

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