独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-7 20:47

【VOA20150403】斯里兰卡加强审查中国投资项目 网友评

Sri Lanka ordered a review of 35 investment projects on Friday, most of them awarded to Chinese firms by the previous administration, suggesting ties remain fragile despite Beijing's attempts to assuage concerns.斯里兰卡政府周五下令对35个投资项目进行审查,其中大部分项目是斯里兰卡上任政府批给中国企业的。这暗示尽管中国尝试缓和斯里兰卡的担忧,但中斯关系依然脆弱。
China has pledged $1 billion in new grant money to Sri Lanka to address complaints that its investment was aimed at furthering its own strategic interests rather than Colombo's.中国已承诺再向斯里兰卡提供逾10亿美元资金,以应对斯方不满。斯里兰卡抱怨中国的投资旨在进一步加强其自身的战略利益。
The main dispute is over a port city project in Colombo that the government has suspended pending a review of approvals. But other road and port projects have come under scrutiny since the President Maithripala Sirisena took office in January.主要争议集中在斯里兰卡政府已叫停的科伦坡港口城项目上。但自西里塞纳总统1月就任以来,中国的其它公路和港口项目也遭到审查。
A cabinet note seen by Reuters said the government had compiled a list of 35 projects which had been awarded without competitive bidding on the grounds that they were of critical importance to rebuilding after the island's civil war.路透见到的一份内阁文件称,斯里兰卡政府已编制了一份35个项目的清单。这些项目未经竞标即获批准,理由是它们对斯里兰卡内战结束后的重建工作具有至关重要的意义。
A government minister told Reuters 28 of the listed projects were Chinese-funded.一位斯里兰卡政府部长向路透表示,清单上的28个项目是中资项目。
"The cabinet sub committee on economic affairs has appointed an official committee to review these proposals and submit a report," the note said.“内阁经济事务小组委员会已任命了一个官方委员会,对这些项目建议书进行审查,并提交报告,”该内阁文件称。
Sri Lanka's cabinet decided on Friday that all future projects will be awarded on the basis of open tenders, spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said. 斯里兰卡政府发言人Rajitha Senaratne称,斯里兰卡内阁周五决定,未来所有项目都必须经公开竞标方能获批。
Is that because china is squeezing too much? I believe so.是不是中国压榨太厉害了?我认为如此。
I guess China's dashed line is starting to include the Indian ocean as well.个人觉得中国的地图虚线范围开始慢慢囊括印度洋了。
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