独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-7 20:48

【路透社20150406】韩国谴责日本歪曲历史的教科书 网友评

South Korea condemned on Monday Japan's approval of textbooks that it said distorted history by claiming disputed islands, summoning Japan's ambassador and warning that the approval was a sign Japan was prepared to repeat its colonial wartime past.韩国周一谴责日本审定通过有关主张争议岛屿主权的教科书,称日本此举是在歪曲历史事实,是该国准备重蹈历史错误的迹象。韩国就此召见日本驻韩国大使。
The strongly worded protest came just over two week after the foreign ministers of the neighbors and China pledged to improve ties and overcome tension over history and territory, and to try to work for a summit meeting of their leaders soon.两周前,中日韩三国举行外长会,承诺改善关系,克服因历史问题和领土主权争端引发的紧张关系,为尽快举行三国领导人峰会而努力。
South Korea's foreign ministry said the book approval was "yet another provocation that distorts, reduces, and omits clear historic facts to strengthen its unjust claims to what is clearly our territory".韩国外交部称,日本审定通过“歪曲、缩小和遗漏历史事实、强化对明显属于我国领土的主权主张的教科书,这是再一次对韩国发起挑衅”。
"The Japanese government is in effect saying it will repeat its mistakes of the past when it injects distorted historical view and territorial claims based on that to a generation of Japanese who are growing up," it said in a statement.“当日本政府基于这样的教科书向正在成长的一代日本人灌输歪曲的历史观点和领土主权主张时,该国政府实际上是在说其将重蹈历史错误,”韩国外交部声明称。
South Korea controls the disputed islands, called Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese, which have been the focus of a long dispute. South Korea sees Japan's claims as stemming from its colonial past.韩国将与日本存在主权争议的岛屿称为“独岛”,日本将其称之为“竹岛”。目前该岛屿处于韩国实际控制下。
Japanese Education Minister Hakubun Shimomura said all textbooks would have references to the islands as being part of Japan's territory.日本文部科学大臣下村博文(Hakubun Shimomura)称,日本所有教科书中都会将“竹岛”称为日本领土的一部分。
"It's only natural that we want to teach children correctly about their country’s territory," he told reporters in Tokyo.“我们希望正确地向儿童一代教授有关他们国家领土的知识,这很自然,”他在东京对记者说。
The only way Asian will enjoy lasting peace is: 1. US stop backing Japan, then2. Korea rule Japan for 50 years as Japan did to Korea.亚洲永享太平的唯一途径如下:第一,美国不再支持日本;第二,韩国统治日本50年,想过去日本对待韩国一样。
There we go again. As I mentioned on US is interested that Japanese Navy expansion in Pacific Ocean. As you noted that Japanese never got rid of their aggressors mentality and still think they can get what they want and keep demanding about Island belongs to Korea even though not only History proves it but also their scholars recognized that this Island belongs to Korea.Japanese should remember God's punished with Two A bombs and Tsunami hit for all of those people they killed. KH Lee再啰嗦一下。已经说过美国对日本在太平洋扩军表现出很大的兴趣。你也该注意到,日本从来没放弃过激进思想,他们始终认为会得到属于韩国的岛屿,并一直要求得到。而这些岛屿属于韩国的事实不但历史可证,就连日本国内的学者都点头承认。日本应该铭记二战时那两颗神圣的原子弹,惩罚的就是他们所犯下的罪行。
I suppose the Korean's are still touchy about what the Japanese did to them in WWII. And the Japanese don't care to be politically correct about it either.我认为韩国始终对二战中日本对韩国的行径耿耿于怀,然后日本也不管在政治上这样的行径对不对。
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