独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-8 18:22

【VOA 20150408】亚投行或成世行抗击贫困的盟友 网友评

World Bank President Jim Yong Kim says he will do everything possible to work with a new Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in the struggle against poverty.世界银行总裁金墉说,他将竭尽全力与中国牵头的新的亚洲基础设施投资银行合作,共同抗击贫困。
Washington opposes the new bank, but dozens of other nations support it. In a Washington speech Tuesday, Kim urged the new bank to adhere to high standards for dealing with environmental and labor issues.华盛顿反对亚投行的成立,不过其他几十个国家支持。金墉星期二在华盛顿的讲话中敦促这个新银行要坚持高标准处理环境与劳工问题。
The World Bank leader said nearly one billion people are surviving on less than $1.25 a day. While that is a big improvement over the past few decades, there is still "plenty of work to go around" to reduce the number of people in dire poverty.这位世行总裁说,全球近10亿人口每天的生活费不到1.25美元。这在过去几十年里虽然有很大的改善,但是仍然有大量工作需要去做,以减少极端贫困人数。
He said ending poverty will take trillions of dollars, cooperation from the private sector, and continued reforms at the World Bank.But Kim said the final push must “begin right now” because poverty means millions of children miss out on health care and education, and are sent to bed hungry at night.金墉说,消除贫困需要亿万美元、需要来自私企的合作以及世界银行持续进行改革。 不过他表示, 现在就必须开始最后的冲刺,因为贫困意味着数百万儿童缺医少药,无法受教育,并要每天忍饥挨饿。
He spoke in advance of next week’s gathering of top officials of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington, where they will seek ways to cut poverty and improve global economic growth.下个星期,世界银行和国际货币基金组织的高级官员将聚集华盛顿,他们将寻找消除贫困和改善全球经济增长的途径。
A separate study published Tuesday by the IMF says global economic growth may be disappointing for both developed and emerging economies for the next few years.国际货币基金组织星期二发表的另外一份研究显示,全球发达国家和新兴经济体未来几年的经济增长都将令人失望。
The authors say growth in wealthy nations will be hampered by aging populations and the slow recovery of capital for investment after the recession that hit in 2007. The study predicts that developed nations' economies will expand at a 1.6 percent annual rate in the medium term, which is more than half a percentage point slower than before the financial crisis.报告的作者说,富裕国家的增长受到的阻碍来自人口老龄化以及2007年衰退后投资资本复苏的缓慢。这项研究预测,发达国家的经济中期增长率为1.6%,这比经济危机前的增长率还要低半个多百分点。
The global lender says growth will also slow for emerging economies, as an aging population limits the workforce and investment remains weak.国际货币基金组织表示,由于人口老龄化带来对劳动力的限制以及投资持续疲软,新兴经济体的增长同样缓慢。
Positive comments on AIIB from International institutes like IMF come too early, which is not a wise decision.IMF这样的国际机构,过早对亚投行作出乐观的评价为时尚早,也不明智。
I don't think it would be appropriate to set so high standards for AIIB to solve the issue of poverty我觉得制定这么高标准要求亚投行去解决贫困问题不太合适。

siluxinyu1964 发表于 2015-4-8 18:58

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