独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-8 18:24

【路透社20150408】美日两国紧密防务合作抵抗中国 网友评

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter kicked off talks with his Japanese counterpart on Wednesday aimed at demonstrating that the two countries' security alliance is tighter than ever.美国国防部部长阿什顿·卡特周三开始与日本防卫大臣中古元举行会谈,旨在展示美日安全联盟比以往更加紧密。
Carter's visit coincides with the first update in U.S.-Japan defense cooperation guidelines since 1997, a revision that will expand the scope for interaction between the two allies in line with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to ease the constraints of Japan's pacifist constitution on the nation's military.卡特访日适值美日防卫合作指针即将作出1997年以来的首次修订。修订版将扩大美日之间的军事合作范围,与日本首相安倍晋三推动解禁集体自卫权的步调一致。
Abe's move to allow Tokyo to come to the aid of an ally under attack would pave the way for closer cooperation between U.S. and Japanese forces across Asia, Admiral Robert Thomas, commander of the U.S. Seventh Fleet, said last month.美国第七舰队司令罗伯特·托马斯(Robert Thomas)上月称,日本首相安倍晋三推动解禁集体自卫权,将为美日在亚洲进行更密切的军事合作铺路。
In a written interview with Japan's Yomiuri newspaper published on Wednesday, Carter expressed concern about China's land reclamation in disputed areas of the South China Sea.在日本《读卖新闻》周三刊出的书面采访中,卡特对中国在南中国海争议区域的填海活动表示关切。
"We are concerned by the scope and pace of China's land reclamation activities, which are inconsistent with China's own past commitments to ASEAN countries," the newspaper quoted Carter as saying.“我们对中国填海活动的范围和速度表示担忧。中国的填海活动与其曾对东盟国家作出的承诺相违,”《读卖新闻》援引卡特的话称。
"We are especially concerned at the prospect of militarization of these outposts. These activities seriously increase tensions and reduce prospects for diplomatic solutions," he said. "We urge China to limit its activities and exercise restraint to improve regional trust."“我们尤其对这些填海陆地的军事化前景感到担忧。这些行为严重加剧了紧张局势,减少了外交解决的希望,”他说道。“我们敦促中国限制自己的行为、保持克制,以改善地区各国间的互信。”
Carter, Nakatani and the two countries' foreign ministers are expected to unveil the new defense guidelines in late April, before Abe meets U.S. President Barack Obama on April 28 for a summit in Washington.美日防长及外长将于4月末美日首脑峰会前发布新的防卫合作指针。美国总统奥巴马与日本首相安倍晋三将于4月28日在华盛顿举行首脑峰会。
Just part of the U.S. effort to control the world by having the Japanese help contain China.让日本抑制中国,这是美国掌控世界的办法罢了。
Japanese cut alive 8 US POW pilots during WWII when their bombers shot down by Japanese. I just don't see any reason for us to stand close to Japan.日本在二战期间活生生杀了8名美国战俘。我认为美国没理由与日本发展紧密关系。
Obama has no honor, so why should Japan trust him.奥巴马没有信誉,为什么日本要相信他。
Remember Pearl Harbor.别忘了珍珠港。

世道人心 发表于 2015-4-8 19:08

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