独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-9 23:11

【路透社20150408】美防长:亚洲领土争端勿军事化 网友评

U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter kicked off his first Asian tour on Wednesday with a stern warning against the militarization of territorial rows in the region.美国国防部长卡特(Ash Carter)周三展开上任以来的首次亚洲之旅,他严厉警告该地区领土争端不要走向军事化。卡特正在对日本进行访问。
Carter's visit to Japan coincides with growing U.S. concern over China's land reclamation in the Spratly archipelago of the disputed South China Sea.与此同时,美国对中国在南沙群岛填海造地日渐表示关切。
U.S. and Philippine troops will take part in annual military exercises this month near the Spratlys in the largest such drills since the allies resumed joint activities in 2000.美国和菲律宾本月将在南沙群岛附近举行年度联合军演,为两国自2000年恢复联合军演以来举行的最大规模的此类军演。
Asked whether the beefed up U.S.-Philippine exercises were a response to China's moves, Carter said Washington and Manila had shared interests in the region, including a desire to ensure there were no changes in the status quo by force or that territorial rows were militarized.被问及美菲联合军演是否针对中国相关举动时,卡特称,美国和菲律宾在该地区有共同的利益,包括两国都想确保不会出现武力改变地区现状以及不让领土争端走向军事化等。
"We take a strong stance against the militarization of these disputes," Carter told a news conference after talks with his Japanese counterpart, Defense Minister Gen Nakatani.“我们强烈反对将这些争端军事化,”卡特同日本防卫大臣中谷元举行会谈后在新闻发布会上称。
Carter also welcomed progress toward the first update in U.S.-Japan defense cooperation guidelines since 1997, a revision that will expand the scope for interaction between the allies in line with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push to ease the constraints of Japan's pacifist constitution on the nation's military.卡特还对两国修订美日防务合作指针表示欢迎。美日自1997年以来首次修订两国防务合作指针,修订后的版本将扩大两国防务合作的范围。
"It's going to give first of all Japan, but also our alliance, much greater scope to provide security in the region, and for that matter elsewhere outside of the region," Carter said as the talks began.“这将让日本以及我们的联盟在为该地区以及本地区之外的其他地方提供安全方面获得更大空间,”卡特在会谈开始时说道。
Nakatani told the news conference with Carter, however, that the new guidelines did not target any particular region including the South China Sea.中谷元在与卡特召开的联合新闻发布会上称,新的美日防务合作指针不针对包括南海在内的任何特定地区。
In a written interview with Japan's Yomiuri newspaper published on Wednesday, Carter expressed concern about China's land reclamation in the South China Sea.卡特接受日本《读卖新闻》书面采访时对中国在南海填海造地表示关切。采访内容是在周三发布的。
"We are especially concerned at the prospect of militarization of these outposts. These activities seriously increase tensions and reduce prospects for diplomatic solutions," the newspaper quoted him as saying.“我们对这些前哨地区的军事化前景表示尤其关切。这些活动严重加剧紧张局势,降低了通过外交途径解决问题的可能性,”该报援引卡特的说称。
"We urge China to limit its activities and exercise restraint to improve regional trust."“我们敦促中方限制其活动,保持克制,以增强地区信任。”
Carter, Nakatani and the two countries' foreign ministers are expected to unveil the new defense guidelines in late April, before Abe meets U.S. President Barack Obama on April 28 for a summit in Washington.美日防务合作指针修订版预计将在日本首相安倍晋三与美国总统奥巴马举行峰会前的4月末发布。安倍和奥巴马将于4月28日在华盛顿举行峰会。
网友评: The "pivot to Asia" is the start of militarization of the Asia territorial dispute. It is the US who is moving 60% of the most advanced war machine to Asia.美国的重返亚太、重心东移是亚洲领土争端走向军事化的开端。把60%最先进战争装备移至亚洲的正是美国自己。 The central bankers need to get WWIII started before the economy collapses and they can blame China.中央银行需要在经济崩溃之前发动第三次世界大战,这样他们就可以把责任怪到中国身上了。
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