独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-9 23:12

【路透社 20150408】挪威全球社会进步指数最高 中国第109

Poverty is more important than inequality in holding back "social progress", a broad measure of what makes a country a good place to live, researchers said on Thursday, releasing data ranking Norway first and the Central African Republic last.研究人员周四称,贫困较不平等更加拖累“社会进步”。在他们发布的社会进步指数排行榜中,挪威名列第一,中非共和国垫底。
Healthcare, education and freedoms are factored into the "social progress index" (SPI), as well as access to food, water and shelter. The index, which gives data for 133 countries, is an alternative to GDP, a measure of economic output.“社会进步指数”(SPI)考量医疗保健、教育、自由,并纳入食物、水和庇护所的获取能力。该指数对133个国家进行了排名,是GDP的替代指数之一。
After Norway at the top of the rankings in the 2015 index came Sweden, Switzerland and Iceland. Lowest ranked after the Central African Republic were Chad, Afghanistan and Guinea.2015年社会指数排行榜中,瑞典、瑞士和冰岛紧随挪威之后。中非共和国排名最末,之前依次是乍得、阿富汗和几内亚。
Last year's leader, New Zealand, which has half of Norway's GDP per person, came fifth. Given the huge disparity in wealth between Norway and New Zealand, the latter vastly "overperforms" in social progress terms.新西兰人均GDP为挪威的一半,是去年的冠军,今年则排名第五。鉴于挪威和新西兰巨大的财富差异,后者在社会进步方面大幅“领先”。
"GDP is not destiny," said the Social Progress Imperative, which published the index. Costa Rica is ranked above Italy, which has double the GDP per head.“GDP并非一切,”发布社会进步指数的Social Progress Imperative表示。哥斯达黎加排名在意大利之上,而人均GDP却只有后者的一半。
Uruguay, Mauritius and Senegal also have a higher SPI than might be expected given their wealth, while Saudi Arabia, Angola and Iraq are "underperformers".相对于各自的GDP来说,乌拉圭、毛里求斯和塞内加尔的社会进步指数也都比预期要高,而沙特阿拉伯、安哥拉和伊拉克却“逊于应有的表现”。
The United States came 16th, losing marks for its lack of healthcare provision as well as its high murder and suicide rates. Britain came 11th, Germany 14th, Japan 15th, France 21st, Brazil 42nd, Russia 71st, and China 109th out of 133.美国名列16,在医疗保健、高谋杀和自杀率等方面失分。英国排名11,德国14,日本15,法国21,巴西42,俄罗斯71,而中国在133个国家中名列109。
“Countries must invest in social progress, not just economic institutions, to create the proper foundation for economic growth,” said Harvard Business School Professor Michael E. Porter, who advises the index's publishers.“各国必须投资于社会进步,而非仅仅投资于经济机构,要为经济增长打造适当的基础,”哈佛商学院教授、该指数发布组织的顾问Michael E.Porter说道。
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