独秀文译青年 发表于 2015-4-11 23:31

【路透社20150411】美国眼红中国在南海的合法活动 网友评

China's plans for islands it is creating in the South China Sea show for the first time the scale of civilian architecture it will extend across the disputed waterway, entrenching its reach in the maritime heart of Southeast Asia, experts say.专家称,中国在南海有争议海域填海造礁的计划首次表明其在该地区将兴建有规模的民用建筑,亦将巩固中国对南海的控制。
China's Foreign Ministry gave rare detail on Thursday, saying reclamation and building work in the Spratly archipelago would allow for scientific research, meteorological observation, environmental protection and fisheries services.中国外交部周四罕见地提供了填海造礁计划的细节,称在南沙群岛的填海造礁与建设是为了海洋科研、气象观察、环境保护与渔业生产服务。
Navigational aids, shelters and search and rescue facilities were also being built, it said.中国外交部称,亦正在建设避风、助航、搜救设施。
While the ministry did not specify who would protect the facilities, experts said the job would routinely fall to the coastguard, which is already leading efforts to enforce China's claimed sovereignty over the South China Sea, rather than its navy.中国外交部没有详细说明谁将保卫这些设施,但专家称这通常将由海监部门负责。中国目前由海监部门在维护中国对南海宣称的主权上发挥着主导作用,而非海军。
The islands and reefs in the Spratlys, the main flashpoint in the South China Sea, would also meet the demands for China's military defence, the ministry said without elaborating中国外交部称,南沙群岛的岛礁也将用于满足必要的军事防卫需求。
"They are trying to put a civilian sheen on this but I think people will see through this and see (the reclamations) for what they really are," said Ian Storey, a South China Sea expert at Singapore's Institute of South East Asian Studies.“他们正在试图以民事服务作为掩盖,但我认为人们会看穿这一点,并且看出(填海造礁的)真实目的,”新加坡东南亚研究所南中国海专家Ian Storey说道。
Once complete, the facilities would help China project not just military power but also boost its oil exploration and fishing in the region, he said.他表示,这些设施一旦建成,不仅将可帮助中国部署军事力量,而且也将促进中国在该地区的石油勘探与渔业。
"This will be of concern to all the littoral states in the South China Sea, whether they are claimants or not," said Storey, calling it the biggest change to the region's status quo in decades.“这将令南中国海的所有沿岸国家感到担忧,无论他们是否对南中国海有领土主张,”Storey说道,他将之称为数十年来对南中国海现状所作出的最大改变。
China last year unified and expanded its various civilian enforcement ships under the coastguard, a fleet that U.S. naval analysts believe is the world's biggest.中国去年将各方面的民事执法船统一划归海监部门,并进行了扩充。美国海军分析家认为中国海监船队的规模是世界最大的。
While the ships do not have the weaponry of military vessels, thus reducing the risk a confrontation could get out of control, they still represent a potent show of sovereignty. Western naval officials say the Chinese navy is more discreet but patrols have also increased in recent years.尽管这些船只没有配备军舰上的武器装备,因此降低了对抗可能失控的风险,但他们仍然是对主权的强劲宣示。西方海军官员称,中国海军现在更为谨慎,但近几年海上巡逻却有增加。
A study in the April edition of the U.S. Naval Institute's Proceedings magazine said China was using the "law enforcement cutter as an instrument of foreign policy".《美国海军学会会报》4月刊载的一份研究称,中国正在使用“执法船作为外交政策的工具”。
The U.S. State Department said on Thursday the reclamation was fuelling anxiety amid concern China might militarize the maritime outposts. President Barack Obama also weighed in, saying Washington was concerned China was using its "sheer size and muscle" to push around smaller nations in the South China Sea.美国国防部周四称,在外界担忧中国可能会将这些位于南海的前哨军事化之际,中国的填海造礁活动将引发该地区国家对中国意图更大的忧虑。美国总统奥巴马称,美国对中国凭借自身的“绝对规模与力量”胁迫南海周边小国表示关切。
Bonnie Glaser, a strategic analyst at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, said U.S. officials were keen to find new tactics to pressure China short of full-blown military conflict.美国战略与国际研究中心的战略分析师Bonnie Glaser称,美国官员渴望找到避开全面军事冲突而向中国施压的新策略。
"They need to find new ways of stopping the Chinese from using these reclaimed land features to coerce and intimidate its neighbours," Glaser said.“他们需要寻找新的策略,阻止中国凭借这些填海建筑压制与威胁邻国,”Glaser说道。
China's Foreign Ministry said the facilities and services on the islands would benefit China, neighbouring countries and ships that could be at risk because of typhoons. The work was "beyond reproach", it said.中国外交部称,岛礁上的设施与服务将可惠及周边遭受台风威胁的国家的船只,并称岛礁建设“无可非议”。
While Bush was busy invading Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, there was peace and quite in Asia with all the countries improving their standard of living. Then Hilary Clinton and Obama put the spanner in the works and stir up trouble in Asia with the help of Japan and the Philippines in 2012 through the 'Pivot to Asia' policy. China has no choice but to respond: To every US action there is an equal and opposite reaction !! There will be tension in the area until the US pivots back to the Americas where they belong !!布什政府时期美国侵略伊拉克和中东其他地区,当时的东亚是非常平静的,那里的国家都在发展经济努力提高生活水平。然后希拉里·克林顿和奥巴马转向东亚,声称要重返亚太,并于2012年在日本和菲律宾的帮助下在亚洲制造了一系列事端。中国毫无选择,只好美国做什么,中国就相应地做什么。美国不滚回家,亚洲一日不得安宁。
China is building in South China Sea. Good for China, good for the rest of the world. USA is destroying world wide. Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, are the locations where USA actually is spreading destruction, bombing, death, misery. Bad for USA, bad for the rest of the world.中国在南海的活动对他们很有利,对世界也很有利。相反美国到处搞破坏。索马里、也门、利比亚、阿富汗、伊拉克、叙利亚、乌克兰就是美国到处搞破坏的地方。美国太坏了。

古禾 发表于 2015-4-14 23:31

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