Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-19 13:09


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-19 13:11 编辑

【中文标题】儿童医院设计睡眠应用程序【原文标题】Children’s hospital builds sleep app【原文作者】James Gallagher【原文链接】【更新时间】2 April 2015【原文来源】【正文】

A free app to improve children's sleep hasbeen launched by doctors at the Evelina Children's Hospital in London.一项旨在帮助提高儿童睡眠的免费应用程序被伦敦艾薇丽娜儿童医院的医生们发明出来。

They think it will help the two millionparents in the UK who express concern about their child's sleep and easepressure on the NHS.他们认为这项发明将会帮助英国两百万的父母,他们表达了他们对孩子们睡眠的关心以及在英国国民健康保险制度(NHS)上缓解压力。

Kids Sleep Doctor gives parents tailoredadvice, such as dealing with night terrors or up-all-night teens, based ontheir sleeping patterns.儿童睡眠医生给父母一些专门的建议,例如基于孩子的睡眠模式来处理在夜里惊醒或者整夜睡不着的青少年们。

Experts said good sleep was vital for achild's development and behaviour.专家们称好的睡眠质量对孩子的发展以及行为是极其重要的。

I think there's a lot of people it couldprevent needing to see a GP, parents can do a brilliant jobProf Gringras, Evelina Children's Hospital艾薇丽娜儿童医院的教授Gringras说,“我认为很多人大可不必去看全科医生,父母可以起到很重要的作用。”

Personalised advice

Paul Gringras, a professor of children'ssleep medicine at the hospital, said "massive" waiting lists meandoctors could see "only the tip of the iceberg".Paul Gringras医生,是儿童医院关于儿童睡眠药物方面的教授,她称“大规模”的等候名单意味着医生看到的“仅仅是冰山一角”。

So the hospital developed an app that givespersonalised advice to parents of 0-16 year-olds to tackle the differentsleeping problems that crop up at different ages.所以医院发明了一个应用软件,可以给0至16岁儿童的父母制定个性化的建议,来处理不同年龄阶段出现的不同的睡眠问题。

Initial advice starts after enteringdetails about bedtimes, where the child falls asleep, how much screen time theyhave, and caffeinated drinks consumption.最初的建议是在孩子们进入睡眠时间后的细节:孩子在哪里入睡,他们花了多少时间在各种屏幕上,以及他们含咖啡因的饮料消耗是多少。

After five days of recording a child'ssleep habits, such as night-waking and bedtimes, the full personalised servicekicks in.经过五天的记录孩子的睡眠习惯,例如夜里醒来以及就寝时间,完整的个性化服务做出来了。

"Hopefully they are sleeping in thenormal range, but if they're outside that then it advises parents," ProfGringras told the BBC News website.“希望他们能够在正常的范围内入睡,但是如果他们超出了正常范围,那么就要建议父母该做一些什么了,”Gringras教授告诉BBC新闻网。

"Take a five-year-old who suddenly iswaking up every night screaming, doesn't recognise parents and pushes themaway.“一个五岁的孩子在每天晚上醒来之后会突然尖叫,认不出他们的父母并且把他们拒之门外。”

"The app would say it is like a nightterror and will happen in 10% of children in this age range and they will growout of it, but they can also try a technique called scheduled waking half anhour after they have gone to bed."“该应用程序称这种情况类似于在夜里惊醒,并且在该年龄阶段有10%的孩子会发生类似的情况,随着长大他们将不会再有这种情况,但是他们可以尝试一种称为预订的技术,在他们上床半小时后会响铃。”

In another scenario, it would adviseparents of teenagers unable to sleep until really late at night, and are thentoo tired for school, that exercise in the afternoon is as powerful as any drugfor promoting sleep.在另一个场景中,它会建议那些直到深夜才能入睡的,在第二天上学时非常疲惫的青少年父母们,在下午锻炼对于促进睡眠的效果和任何药物一样强大。

"These are not annoying daily tips,it's tailored advice," he added.“这些并不是恼人的日常小贴士,而是定制的建议”。他补充道。

The app has been designed to reducepressures on the health service rather than make money.It is currently available free on iOS.Android and Windows versions will follow.该应用程序设计的目的是为了减轻医疗服务的压力,而不是赚钱。在iOs上,它目前是免费使用的。随后将会出现安卓和Windows的版本。

However, the roughly 200,000 children withserious sleep disorders such as narcolepsy or obstructive sleep apnoea wouldsee need to see a doctor.然而,大约20万名儿童有严重的睡眠障碍,如嗜睡症或者阻塞性睡眠呼吸,这些症状将需要看医生。

The advice does not apply during the firstthree months.这个建议在前三个月期间不适用。

The app has also been designed in a darkand orange palette to minimise the amount of blue light emitted - which is thewavelength of light that most disrupts sleep.该应用程序也被设计在一个黑橙色的面板上,为了减小蓝光的量,这是光的波长,大多数都会影响到睡眠。

Psychologist and child therapist ProfessorTanya Byron commented: "Many children are affected by sleep problems whichcan have a major effect on the whole family.心理学家和儿童治疗师Tanya Byron教授说:“很多孩子都受到睡眠问题的影响,而这个问题在整个家庭中都有着重大的影响。”

"Getting a good night's sleep is soimportant for a child's physical and mental development, behaviour and concentration- to name but a few.“睡个好觉对孩子的身体、心理、行为和注意力的发展是非常重要的。”

"We know parents know their childrenbetter than anyone, and I'm confident that the 'Kids Sleep Dr' app will helpparents to understand and better manage their child's sleep problems."“我们知道父母比任何人都了解他们的孩子,我相信“孩子睡眠医生”应用程序将会帮助父母去理解以及更好的管理孩子的睡眠问题。”(A)

fshysh 发表于 2015-4-19 13:15

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