Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-19 13:15


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-19 13:16 编辑

【中文标题】中年男子的健康“降低了一些患癌症的风险”【英文标题】Fit middle-aged men 'at lower risk for some cancers'【更新时间】27 March 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】

Very fit men in their late 40s are lesslikely to get lung cancer and colorectal cancer than unfit men, a study in JAMAOncology suggests.《美国医学会》杂志的一项研究表明,非常健康的男士在他们四十岁的时候患肺癌和大肠癌的可能性远远低于不健康的男性。
Their high fitness levels also appear toincrease their chances of surviving cancer if they are diagnosed later on.如果他们在随后被诊断出来患有癌症,健康水平较高的男性将存活下来的几率也会增加。
University of Vermont researchers said evensmall improvements in fitness could help to reduce cancer risk.佛蒙特州大学的研究人员说,即使是小幅度的改善健身的活动都能够帮助降低患癌症的风险。
Cancer Research UK said investigating linksbetween men's fitness levels and cancer risk was a new approach.英国癌症研究调查说男性的健康水平和癌症风险之间的联系是一个新的方法。
Being physically active and eating ahealthy, balanced diet are already known to be important factors in reducingpeople's risk of developing cancer and other diseases.锻炼身体和健康、均衡的饮食已经被认为是降低人们患上癌症和其他疾病的风险的重要因素。
But study author Dr Susan Lakoski said itwould be more beneficial to tell people how much they needed to improve theirfitness in order to reduce their risk of cancer to acceptable levels.但是研究作者Susan Lakoski博士表示,它将更有利于告诉人们,为了把患癌症的风险降低到可以接受的水平,他们还需要怎样提高他们的身体素质。
This could come in the form of apersonalised plan, which should start with measuring their cardio-respiratoryfitness.这个将随着个性化计划的形式而来,这个计划开始测量他们的心肺功能。
Treadmill test跑步机试验
This study of 14,000 men aged between 46and 50, in Texas, tested their cardio-respiratory fitness levels at the outsetby making them run on a treadmill to the point of exhaustion.本研究对在德克萨斯州46岁至50岁之间的男性进行了测试,让他们在跑步机上跑到疲惫时的一开始就测试他们的心肺功能水平。
After that, their fitness levels wereregularly tested over an average of six and a half years between 1971 and 2009.在那之后,在1971年至2009年之间的每隔六年半,他们的健康水平就会定期被测试。
Between 1999 and 2009, 1,310 of the men hadbeen diagnosed with prostate cancer, 200 with lung cancer and 181 withcolorectal cancer.在1999年到2009年之间,有1310名男性被诊断出患有前列腺癌,200名患有肺癌以及181名患有直肠癌。
The study found that the men with highlevels of fitness in middle-age reduced their risk of lung cancer by 55% andtheir risk of colorectal cancer by 44%, compared with the men with low levelsof fitness - those who took more than 12 minutes to run or walk a mile.研究发现,相比那些健康水平较低的男子——那些花了超过12分钟来跑步和步行一英里的男性,比较健康的中年男子患直肠癌的风险降低了55%,患直肠癌的风险降低了44%。

However, the study found that the fit menin middle age did not appear to reduce their risk of prostate cancer.然而,研究发现,健康的男性在中年时似乎没有减少患前列腺癌的风险。
The authors said the exact reasons for thiswere unknown but men with high cardio-respiratory fitness may be better atlooking after their health and therefore more likely to undergo screening forprostate cancer, making them more likely to be diagnosed.作者说确切原因不明,但是心肺功能高的男性可以更好的照顾他们的健康,因此也更容易接受筛查前列腺癌,使它们更容易被诊断。
Long-term impact长期的影响
Dr Lakoski said fitness prior to a cancerdiagnosis was important.Lakoski博士说在癌症诊断之前健身是很重要的。
"This preventative message startsearlier than you think, way before you develop cancer.“这预防信息比你想象的要提前,也远远在你患癌症之前。”
"Your health behaviours and yourfitness earlier in life has an impact 20 or 30 years later - and that's whatpeople don't realise."“你的健身行为越早,将会对你20,30年后的生活有影响,而这是人们所没有意识到的。”
In the study, she said as long as peoplewere above the low-fitness category, they already had a lot of advantages.在这项研究中,她说只要人们的健康程度不是很低,他们就已经有很多优势了。
Tom Stansfeld, health information officerat Cancer Research UK, said: "Investigating links between men's fitnesslevels and cancer risk, rather than just the amount of physical activity theydo, is a new approach.Tom Stansfeld,英国癌症研究所的健康信息官员,说:“调查男性健康水平和癌症风险之间的联系,而不仅仅是身体运动的数量,这是一种新的方法。”
"The results reconfirm the benefit ofphysical activity in decreasing men's risk of bowel cancer.“该结果重新确认了身体活动对减少男性直肠癌风险的好处。”
"Interestingly, the study also found apositive effect of fitness on reducing lung cancer risk, but more research isneeded to understand this potential link better."“有趣的是,该研究也发现了健身对于降低肺癌风险的积极影响,但是还需要更多的研究来更好的理解这种潜在的联系。”
He said other research in women had shownthat increased levels of exercise could reduce the risk of breast and wombcancers.他说,其他关于女性的研究表明,增加运动量可以减少乳腺癌和子宫癌症的风险。
He added: "Being regularly physicallyactive is great for your overall health and, as this study demonstrates, has benefitsfar beyond the health of your heart."他补充道:“定期的身体活动是对你整体的健康是非常有帮助的,并且这项研究表明,这将远远超出你的心脏的健康程度。”
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