Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-19 13:39


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-19 13:40 编辑

【中文标题】联合国说,“2万5千名武装份子”加入了伊斯兰武装份子【原文标题】UN says '25,000 foreign fighters' joined Islamist militants【更新时间】4,2, 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】BBC.comMore than25,000 foreign fighters have travelled to join militant groups such as al-Qaedaand Islamic State (IS), according to a UN report.根据联合国的报告,超过25,000名外国武装人员已经前往参加激进组织,如基地组织和伊斯兰国(IS)。
Experts havesaid that the flow of foreign fighters is "higher than it has ever beenhistorically".专家们说,外国武装份子的流动量“高于以往历史上任何时候”。
Fighters fromat least 100 countries have travelled to areas such as Iraq, Syria, Libya andPakistan.来自至少100个国家的武装份子走过了如伊拉克,叙利亚,利比亚和巴基斯坦地区。
The reportstates that this poses an immediate and long-term threat to global security.报告指出,这会直接和长期地威胁全球安全。
It said thatthe number of foreign fighters has "risen sharply", increasing by 71%between the middle of 2014 and March 2015.据说,外国武装份子的数量“急剧上升”,自2014年中旬到2015年3月有71%增长。
Syria and Iraqhave also become a "veritable finishing school for extremists", withsome 22,000 foreign fighters.叙利亚和伊拉克也成为“名副其实的极端分子的精修学校”,有22000外国武装分子。


Defeating IS in Syria and Iraq could have the unintended consequenceof scattering fighters elsewhere击败IS在叙利亚和伊拉克各地分散的武装份子可能导致意想不到的后果
The report, byexperts monitoring UN sanctions against al-Qaeda, warned that defeating IS inIraq and Syria could lead to the dispersal of experienced fighters across theworld.该报告由专家监测联合国制裁基地组织警告说,在伊拉克和叙利亚攻击IS可能导致世界各地的经验丰富的武装份子疏散。
There are also6,500 fighters in Afghanistan and hundreds in Yemen, Libya and Pakistan, thereport says.该报告说还有6500名武装份子在阿富汗和数百名在也门,利比亚和巴基斯坦。
It adds that ahigh number of foreign fighters have come from Tunisia, Morocco, France andRussia.它补充说,大量外国武装份子都来自突尼斯,摩洛哥,法国和俄罗斯。

There has alsobeen an increase in the number coming from the Maldives, Finland and Trinidadand Tobago.同时从马尔代夫,芬兰,特立尼达和多巴哥等国来的武装分子数量也出现了增加。

The reportcalled for greater intelligence sharing between nations to help identifyforeign fighters.报告呼吁加强国家之间的情报共享,以帮助确定外国武装份子。
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