Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-21 14:14


【原文标题】The wedding photos that captivated China【中文标题】吸引中国的结婚照【更新时间】18 April,2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】
China'srelationship with its Tibetan minority has at times been troubled, so here's amoment worth noting: a Tibetan couple's wedding photos, showing scenes of bothmodern and traditional living, captivated millions of Chinese social mediausers.中国与西藏少数民族的关系有时会陷入困境,所以这是一个值得注意的时刻:一对西藏夫妇的婚礼照片,展示现代和传统生活的场景,吸引了数以百万计的中国社交媒体用户。
The photo shoot isa ritual for many newlyweds all around the world, and Gerong Phuntsok and DawaDrolma were simply following couples across China when they took a range ofphotos in both modern and traditional settings. What they didn't count on istheir stylish snaps ending up being seen by a huge proportion of Chineseinternet users.拍照是世界各地许多新婚夫妇的仪式,Gerong Phuntsok和Dawa Drolma只是一对普通的跟随潮流的夫妇,他们选择在现代和传统的背景中拍摄了一系列的婚纱照。他们没有想到的是他们的时尚摄影效果被很大一部分的中国网民所关注。

The photos show thecouple in a coffee shop, at an amusement park and driving in a sports car -along with more pastoral scenes from a Tibetan village. Classic fashions andInstagram-like filters give them a timeless quality. Xinhua, China's officialstate news agency, reported that the photos have been seen by 80 percent ofusers of messaging app WeChat - which would mean an audience of hundreds ofmillions. In an interview with the agency, Phuntsok, who works in advertising,speculated about what made the pictures so popular.照片里这对夫妇在咖啡店里,在游乐场里和驾驶一辆运动型跑车里——更多的田园场景是在一个藏族村庄里。经典时尚和Instagram——例如滤镜给他们的照片一个永恒的质量。中国官方通讯社新华社报道称该组照片已被80%的微信用户所看到——这意味着这些照片拥有数亿观众。在与新华社的采访中,从事广告业的Phuntsok推测什么原因使得这些照片如此受欢迎。
"Maybe werepresented thousands of young people from ethnic minorities, who left theirhometowns to pursue a 'modern life' but chose to return to tradition afterfeeling a void in the heart," he said. "I think we found an echo withother web users. As we fight for our dreams, some of us get lost. So we wantedto say with the photos: stick to your beliefs."“也许我们代表了来自少数民族成千上万的年轻人,他们背井离乡,去追求一个‘现代的生活’但是在内心感觉一片空白后选择回归传统,”他说。“我认为我们找到了与其他网络用户的共鸣。因为我们为我们的梦想而战,而我们中的有一些人迷路了。所以我们想要用照片来说明:‘坚持你的信仰’。”
Many users onChina's Twitter-like social networking platform Weibo commented on thecontrasting lifestyles the pictures show, says BBC Monitoring's Jeff Li in HongKong.许多用户在中国版推特——例如社交网络平台微博评论图片显示截然不同的生活方式,BBC监控Jeff Li说。
"The pictureshave shown two completely different lives in the cities and in the rural. Whenthe couple wears traditional costumes, they represent the Tibetan people andtheir unique lifestyles; but when they wear modern clothes, they have turnedinto a trendy couple," says user Yanzhi Jiangxi.“图片显示两种在城市和农村里截然不同的生活。当这对夫妇穿着传统服装,他们代表了西藏人民和他们独特的生活方式;但当他们穿着现代的衣服时,他们已经变成了一对时髦的夫妇。”江西的用户Yanzhi说。
"I'm sojealous of how the couple can handle living in the city and in the rural at thesame time," commented Leimo Leimo.“我很嫉妒这对夫妇如何同时处理在城市和农村的生活,”Leimo Leimo评论道。

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