Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-23 18:00


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-23 18:01 编辑

【中文标题】随着用户增长,脸书的利润高于预期【英文标题】Facebook profits beat expectations as users grow【更新时间】22 April 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】

Facebook has reported better-than-expectedfirst quarter profits as well as growing monthly active users.

The social networking giant said profit inthe first three months of 2015 was $512m (£341m), a decline of 20% from a yearearlier, but that revenue increased by 42% to $3.5bn

That was better than analysts had beenexpecting.

A further bright spot - monthly activeusers increased by 13% from a year earlier to 1.44 billion.

Notably, for those investors concernedabout the firm's efforts to appeal to younger users who access Facebook ontheir smartphones, monthly mobile users increased by 24% to 1.25 billion, amajority of the site's users.

Facebook has been particularly adept atchannelling that growing mobile user base into advertising dollars. The companysaid that during the quarter, revenue from mobile ad sales made up nearlythree-quarters of total ad sales.

"This was a strong start to theyear," said founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg in a statement.“这是一个强有力的开始,”脸书创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格在一份声明中说。

Despite the better than expected profits,investors are worried about slowing revenue growth - as well as increasingcosts at the company, which has been spending more on its research anddevelopment costs.
Research and development expendituresincreased over twofold, to $566m from $181m a year earlier.研究和开发支出增加超过了两倍,从18亿1千万到56亿6千万美元。

The company has warned that those costs areset to increase, as it looks to expand some of its acquisitions includingphoto-sharing site Instagram, messaging service WhatsApp, and virtual realityfirm Oculus Rift.
该公司警告说,这些成本都将增加,因为它将要扩大它的一些收购,包括照片分享网站Instagram,消息传递服务WhatsAPP,和虚拟的现实公司Oculus Rift.

Those fears helped depress shares. In afterhours trading Facebook was down by more than 2%.这些担忧打压了股票。在数小时的交易中,脸书的股值下降超过了2%。(A)

skyflier2002 发表于 2015-4-23 19:26

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