Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-26 22:43

科林·布鲁姆菲尔德:BBC Radio Derby的主持人死于与癌症的斗争

本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-4-26 22:47 编辑

【中文标题】科林·布鲁姆菲尔德:BBC Radio Derby的主持人死于与癌症的斗争【英文标题】Colin Bloomfield: BBC Radio Derby presenter dies after cancer battle【更新时间】April 25,2015【原文链接】【原文来源】【正文】
BBC Radio Derby presenter Colin Bloomfieldhas died aged 33.
BBC Radio Derby的主持人科林·布鲁姆菲尔德33岁去世。

The popular broadcaster touched thousandsof listeners with his openness and optimism as he battled skin cancer.

A charity appeal prompted by his diagnosishas so far raised more than £62,000 in just over two months.

Colin, who worked at the station for 10years as a presenter, reporter and a Derby County commentator, died at ahospice near the family home.

He had a malignant melanoma removed fromhis leg 10 years ago, but in 2013 learned the cancer had returned.

Last year, he was told it had spread andwas given months to live.

'Extraordinarily accomplished' Radio Derby's editor Simon Cornes said:"Reporter, producer, commentator, presenter - Colin was all of those.
无线电Derby的编辑Simon Cornes说:“科林既是记者、又是制作人,还是评论员和主持人。”

"You're lucky in radio if you're goodat one of these things but Colin's talent was a rare one and he wasextraordinarily accomplished at all of them. He made it seem easy. We know itisn't.“

"If you were designing the perfectcolleague you'd come up with Colin. His modesty was disarming but it was hiswarmth and his positive attitude to life that made him so popular with everyoneat Radio Derby.“
如果你在设想完美的同事,你就会想到科林。他的谦虚是令人放下心结的,但是他的热情和他积极的生活态度使他在Radio Derby这个团体中非常受欢迎。”

"We've lost our friend but it's a mark of theman that so many of our listeners feel they've lost their friend too. All of usare going to miss him dreadfully."“我们已经失去了我们的朋友,但是我们所有的听众也觉得他们已经失去了他们的朋友。我们会非常地想念他。”

Earlier thisyear, working with the Derby Telegraph and charity Skcin, the presenterlaunched the Colin Bloomfield Melanoma Appeal.今年早些时候,与DerbyTelegraph和CharitySkcin一起合作,主持人发起了科林布鲁菲尔德黑素瘤呼吁。

The money willbe used to make hundreds of schools in Derbyshire, by educating youngstersabout skin cancer prevention.这笔钱将被用来在斯塔福德郡德比郡创立数百所学校,教育青少年预防皮肤癌。

BBC Radio presenter Sally Pepper is runningthe London Marathon on Sunday to raise money for the appeal.BBC电台主持人Sally Pepper正在主持周日的伦敦马拉松来为此次的呼吁筹集资金。

Colin has received a series of standingovations by football supporters - including at the Rams' Championship matchagainst Brentford on 11 April when fans chanted his name in the 33rd minute.科林已经受到了来自足球支持者一系列的喝彩——包括在4月11日举行公羊队对抗布伦特福德的冠军比赛,球迷们在第33分钟时高呼他的名字。(A)
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