Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-27 22:10


【中文标题】大众董事长费迪南德·皮耶希退出权力斗争【英文标题】Volkswagen chairman Ferdinand Piech quits in power struggle【原文链接】【更新时间】26 April 2015【原文来源】BBC.COM【正文】

The chairman of the carmaker Volkswagen(VW), Ferdinand Piech, has resigned after a power struggle with chief executiveMartin Winterkorn.汽车制造商大众汽车的主席费迪南德·皮耶希在与首席执行官马丁·温特科恩的权力斗争后已经辞职。
Mr Piech had criticised his chief executivein an interview with the German news magazine Der Spiegel, but did not specifythe issue at stake.皮耶希先生在接收采访德国新闻杂志《明镜周刊》时批评他的首席执行官,但没有明确说明这一问题。
Mr Winterkorn has been widely tipped asVW's next chairman. Mr Piech and the Porsche family control 51% of VW.温特科恩先生被普遍认为是大众的下一任主席。皮耶希先生和保时捷家族控制着大众的51%的股份。
Volkswagen is the biggest car manufacturerin Europe.大众是欧洲最大的汽车制造商。
On 17 April, Volkswagen's five-membergoverning board gave its backing to Mr Winterkorn.4月17日,大众汽车的五人董事会表示对温特科恩先生给予支持。
Board member Wolfgang Porsche, a cousin ofMr Piech, said he had given his "personal opinion" without clearinghis remarks with other family members.董事会成员沃尔夫冈·保时捷是皮耶希先生的表弟,说他在没有清理他与其他家庭成员的言论时,已经给出了他的“个人观点”。
Mr Piech, 78, is a former VW chiefexecutive. His wife Ursula has also resigned her seat on the board.78岁的皮耶希先生是大众的前首席执行官。他的妻子厄休拉也辞去了她在董事会的职务。
"The members of the steering committeecame to a consensus that, in the light of the past weeks, the mutual trustnecessary for successful cooperation was no longer there," the board saida statement.“指导委员会的成员达成了共识,在过去的几周里,对于成功合作所需要的相互信任已不复存在,”委员会在一份声明中说道。
The carmaker added that deputy boardchairman Berthold Huber would serve as interim chairman.这家汽车制造商说副董事长Berthold Huber将作为临时董事长。
"The uncertainty had to be endedtoday," said Mr Huber. "The steering committee was and is consciousof its responsibility to Volkswagen and its many thousand staff."“不确定因素一定要在今天解决,”Huber先生说。“指导委员会意识到自己对大众以及上千员工的责任。”
'Seismic shift'“巨变”
During his eight-year tenure as chiefexecutive, Mr Winterkorn has overhauled VW and made it one of the world's mostsuccessful carmakers, industry analysts say.温特科恩在他八年作为首席执行官的任期内,已经超越了大众并且使他成为了世界上最成功的汽车制造商之一,行业分析师说。
He had been seen as a close ally of MrPiech until relations became strained, reportedly over difficulties in breakinginto the lucrative US market.直到关系变得紧张时,他一直被视为皮尔希先生的一个亲密盟友,据说一起克服在进入利润丰厚的美国市场时的困难。
"Mr Piech's departure represents aseismic shift in Volkswagen's power structure, and could foretell drasticchanges in how one of the world's largest automakers operates," said KarlBrauer at automotive research group Kelley Blue Book.“皮尔希先生的离开代表着大众权力结构的一个巨变,并可能预示着世界上最大的汽车制造商运作的急剧变化,”Karl Brauer在汽车研究小组Kelly Blue Book上说。
In 2014, VW was the world's second-biggestcarmaker by sales, behind Toyota and ahead of GM.2014年,大众通过销量成为了世界上第二大的汽车制造商,紧随Toyota以及领先于GM。
Apart from Volkswagen, the group's brandsinclude Audi, Porsche, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Bentley, Skoda and Seat.除了大众,这个集团的品牌还包括奥迪,保时捷,兰博基尼,布加迪,宾利,斯柯达以及西亚特。(A)

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