Annie2014 发表于 2015-4-30 12:24


【中文标题】IS杀害的伊拉克士兵万人坑在Tikrit被发现【原文标题】Mass graves of Iraqi soldiers killed by IS found in Tikrit【更新时间】July 4, 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】
The suspected mass graves of up to 1,700captured Iraqi soldiers killed by the Islamic State group (IS) have been foundin the city of Tikrit.由伊斯兰国集团(IS)杀死的死亡人数达1700人的伊拉克士兵万人坑在城市提克里特被发现。
The sites are near the former US Army base,Camp Speicher.该地区附近是美国前陆军基地,斯派克营地。
Iraqi forensic teams have begun to excavate12 graves following the city's recent liberation from IS.伊拉克法医小组已经开始挖掘12个坟墓,这个城市近期正摆脱IS,重获自由。
The June 2014 incident is notorious afterIS posted videos and pictures of the execution of the mostly Shia soldiers onsocial media.2014年6月的事件是臭名昭著的IS张贴的视频和大多在社交媒体上的什叶派士兵被执行死刑的照片。
Survivors say the militants questioned thevictims to identity those who were Shia before killing them.幸存者说,杀害受害者之前,武装分子会询问受害者的身份,问他们谁是什叶派。
The exhumations have began just days afterTikrit fell to a combination of the Iraqi army and Shia militias following amonth long siege.Tikrit经历了伊拉克军队和什叶派民兵联合之后长达一个月的围攻,仅仅几天之后,挖掘尸体开始。
DNA testing will be used to identify thebodies once they have been exhumed, as many families have never hadconfirmation of their relatives' death.一旦有尸体被挖掘出来,DNA测试将用于辨认尸体,因为很多家庭从来没有确认他们的亲人的死亡。

Families are putting increasing pressure onthe Iraqi government to identify the bodies家庭对伊拉克政府施加的压力越来越大,以辨认尸体

"It was a heartbreaking scene. Wecouldn't prevent ourselves from breaking down in tears," said oneinvestigator“这是一个令人心碎的一幕。我们不能阻止自己的眼泪,”一名调查员说。 'Heartbreaking scene'“令人心碎的一幕”
"We dug up the first mass grave sitetoday. Until now we found at least 20 bodies. Initial indications showindisputably that they were from the Speicher victims," Khalid al-Atbitold the Reuters news agency on Sunday.“今天我们挖出来的第一个万人坑现场。到现在为止,我们发现至少20具尸体,初步迹象显示无可争议,他们分别来自斯派克受害者,”哈立德·Atbi告诉路透社上周日。
"It was a heartbreaking scene. Wecouldn't prevent ourselves from breaking down in tears. What savage barbariancould kill 1,700 persons in cold blood?" he added.“这是一个令人心碎的一幕。我们不能阻止自己的眼泪流下来。什么样的野蛮人可以杀1,700人不眨眼的?”他补充说。
The murder of the soldiers has become alightening rod for Shia militias who have vowed to avenge the killings. Themilitias have been credited with halting Islamic State's advance last year, buthave themselves been accused of war crimes.士兵谋杀已成为避雷针,谁曾发誓要报复杀害什叶派民兵。去年,民兵已经被记入阻止伊斯兰国家的进步,他们被指控犯有战争罪。
Some of the burial sites are in thepresidential compound of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, whichbecame the IS headquarters after they took the city last year.一些墓地是在伊拉克前总统萨达姆·侯赛因的总统府,现已成为了IS总部,他们去年占领了该市。

The offensive launched on 2 March to takeback Tikrit involved some 30,000 fighters, two-thirds of them from the PopularMobilisation (Hasid Shaabi) - a force comprising dozens of Iranian-backed Shiamilitia.推出3月2日收回Tikrit进攻涉及约30,000战机,其中三分之二来自流行动员(HasidShaabi) - 由数十伊朗支持的什叶派民兵组织的力量。
The Iraqi army is now expected to turn itsattention to Mosul, 225km (335 miles) north along the Tigris river.伊拉克军队目前预计将其注意力转向摩苏尔,沿底格里斯河向北225公里(334英里)。
IS's most significant stronghold in Iraq,Mosul, presents a far greater challenge than Tikrit for the US-led aircoalition and Iraqi ground forces.IS在伊拉克摩苏尔最重要的据点,对以美国为首的联军空中和伊拉克地面部队来说面临比在Tikrit更大的挑战。

fshysh 发表于 2015-4-30 13:06

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