Annie2014 发表于 2015-5-3 13:04


【中文标题】你看起来有多老?这个网站马上告诉你【英文标题】How old do youreally look? This website will tell you in seconds【更新时间】May 1, 2015【原文链接】【原文作者】WilfredChan【正文】(CNN)You're only as old as you think you are.(CNN)你觉得你有多老,那么你看起来就有多老。
Or in this case,as old as a computer algorithm thinks you are.或者在这种情况下,计算机算法认为你一样的老。
In a machinelearning experiment that's taken social vanity to new heights, Microsoft hascreated a website that tellsyou how old you look just by analyzing your photo.在一个机器学习实验中,把社会虚荣心推向一个新的高度,微软创造了一个网站,告诉你通过分析你的照片,能够看出你有多老。
Sometimes it'sdead on. Other times it's hilariously, outrageously wrong.有时候它是准确的。有时候它又是错得离谱的。
It's simple:Upload a selfie, wait a few seconds -- then the machine gives you a number.步骤很简单:上传一张自拍,等待几秒钟——然后机器给你一个数字。
And since it cananalyze anyone's photo, you can compare yourself to your friends, family, andfoes.因为他可以分析每个人的照片,你可以把你自己的照片与你朋友,家人和敌人的照片进行对比。
But guessingsomeone's age is a dangerous game, even for a robot. That's probably why thesite comes with a sheepish apology. "Sorry if we didn't quite get the ageand gender right," it says after each result. 但是猜测别人的年龄是个危险的游戏,即使对于一个机器人来说。这可能是为什么这个网站有一个羞涩的道歉。“对不起,如果我们没有猜到您正确的年龄和性别,”每个结果显示之后,这句话都会出现。
The companyunveiled the website at a conference Thursday as a way to show off its newsoftware.周四,该公司在一个会议上公布了这个网站,这是一种展现其新软件的方式。
Partof a new initiative called Project Oxford, Microsoft says you could usethis face detection technology for tasks like sorting through a large photocollection.一个新的命名为“牛津计划”项目的一部分,微软表示你可以使用这种人脸检测技术来完成类似收集整理大量照片的任务。
But we're human-- so we'll probably just use it to judge our own looks. And everyone else's.但是我们是人类——所以我们可能只会用它来判断我们自己和其他人的样子。
CNN Money'sHeather Kelly and journalist Wayne Chang contributed reporting.CNN财经频道的Heather Kelly和记者WayneChang对此报道均有贡献。(A)
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