Annie2014 发表于 2015-5-4 17:33


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-5-4 17:34 编辑

【中文标题】地中海移民危机:成千上万的移民在海上获救【英文标题】Mediterranean migrant crisis: Thousands of migrants rescued at sea【原文链接】【原文来源】BBC.COM【更新时间】4 May 2015【正文】More than 5,800 migrants have been rescuedand 10 bodies recovered off the Libyan coast over the weekend, the Italiancoastguard says.意大利海岸警卫队称,这个周末超过5800名移民被营救,十名伤员在利比亚海岸上休养。
The survivors were picked up from woodenand rubber boats, in 17 separate operations by Italian and French ships.幸存者从木船和橡胶船上被营救下来,转移到意大利和法国的17艘分离的船只上。
An Italian ship landed nearly 900 people inSicily early on Monday.周一凌晨,一艘意大利船只靠岸,近900人在西西里登陆。
At least 1,750 people have died this yeartrying to cross the Mediterranean, a 20-fold increase on the same period in2014 when 96 people died.今年至少有1750名试图穿过地中海的人死亡,相比2014年的96人死亡,同期增长了二十倍。
The final number of people rescued over theweekend is expected to rise. The busiest two days for rescues so far this yearwere April 12 and 13, when 6,500 people were picked up.本周最后获救人员的数量预计将有所上升。今年迄今为止最繁忙的两天救援是在4月12号和13号,6500人被营救。
Many more migrants are expected to make thecrossing in the coming weeks as smugglers take advantage of calmer weather.在未来的几周内,更多的移民预计将试图作为走私者利用平和的天气,穿过地中海。
In a separate incident on Sunday, threepeople died when a boat carrying migrants to Europe sank off Egypt's coast,according to Egyptian state media. Thirty-one migrants were reportedly rescued.在周日的一个事件中,根据埃及国家媒体报道,当一艘载有移民到欧洲的船在埃及海岸沉默时,3人丧生。31名移民获救。

At an emergency meeting last month todiscuss the crisis, European Union leaders said they would triple the fundingfor rescue operations run by EU border agency Frontex, and threatened to targetsmugglers' boats with military strikes.

Italy abandoned its Mare Nostrumsearch-and-rescue mission last year after some EU members – including the UK -said they could not afford to fund it.

The decision was widely criticised in Aprilafter more than 800 people died when a single boat sank - the deadliest capsizerecorded in the Mediterranean.

Some of the 27 survivors of the accidentdescribed being beaten by smugglers in an attempt to load more migrants on tothe boat

The overloaded vessel crashed into a cargoship shortly after leaving Libya, causing panic on board. The dead were mostlySyrians, Senegalese, Eritreans, and Somalis - adults and children.


每天的晨吟 发表于 2015-5-4 20:38

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