Annie2014 发表于 2015-5-5 17:12


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-5-5 17:17 编辑

【中文标题】美国“将不会对修改胚胎DNA的研究提供资金”【英文标题】US 'will not fund research for modifying embryo DNA'【原文链接】【原文作者】James Gallagher【原文来源】BBC.COM【更新时间】30 April 2015【正文】

Modifying the DNA of embryos is a"line that should not be crossed", a leading figure in US researchsays.

Dr Francis Collins, National Institutes ofHealth director, was responding to reports that the first embryos had beenmodified in China.

He argued there were "serious andunquantifiable safety issues", big ethical questions and no compellingmedical reason to do it.

He said the NIH would not fund suchresearch in the US.

The advent of "Crispr technology"- which is a more precise way of editing DNA than anything that has come before- has spurred huge progress in genetics.

But there had been growing concern thesetremendous advances were making the modification of human embryos more likely.

Dr Tony Perry, a pioneer in cloning, toldthe BBC News website in January that designer babies were no longer "HGWells" territory.克隆先驱托尼·佩里博士于1月告诉BBC新闻网,设计婴儿不再是“威尔士”的领土。

Concerns were also raised in the journalNature as rumours circulated that it had already taken place.

World first

Last week a team at Sun Yat-sen University,in Guangzhou, reported using Crispr to modify defective parts of DNA that leadto a blood disorder called beta thalassaemia.

Their world first, reported in the journalProtein and Cell, showed the correction was successful in seven out of 86attempts.他们的世界第一被报道在了《蛋白质和细胞》杂志上,显示在86次尝试中有7次的校正是成功的。

The embryos used were"non-viable" so could never have led to a child.使用的胚胎是“不能存活的”,以至于不能生育。
There have been repeated calls for a worldwidefreeze on such research while society as a whole decides what should beallowed.全世界已经有多次呼吁冻结此类研究,而社会作为一个整体决定着什么应该被允许。
However, the US National Institutes of Health hasmade its position clear - that no such research should take place.然而,美国国家卫生研究院已经明确了自己的立场,表明这样的研究不应该发生。

Dr Collins, who was also a key player in the HumanGenome Project, released a statement saying: "The concept of altering thehuman germline in embryos for clinical purposes has been debated over manyyears from many different perspectives, and has been viewed almost universallyas a line that should not be crossed.柯林斯博士在人类基因组项目中是一个关键人物,他发表了一份声明说:“关于改变人类胚胎用于临床的概念这些年来一直从不同的角度被争论,并且被普遍视为一条不能够相交的线。”
"Advances in technology have given us anelegant new way of carrying out genome editing, but the strong arguments againstengaging in this activity remain.“技术的进步给了我们一个优雅的新方法进行基因组编辑,但是强烈反对从事这个活动的争议依然存在。”
"These include the serious and unquantifiablesafety issues, ethical issues presented by altering the germline in a way thataffects the next generation without their consent, and a current lack ofcompelling medical applications."“这些包括通过改变胚胎而表现出来的严重和无法量化的安全问题、道德问题,未经他们的同意就影响了他们的下一代,并且现在缺乏令人信服的医学应用。”
Dr Marcy Darnovsky, from the Center for Geneticsand Society in the US, argued: "There is no persuasive medical reason tomanipulate the human germline because inherited genetic diseases can beprevented using embryo screening techniques.来自美国遗传和社会中心的Marcy Darnovsky博士认为:“这里并没有具有说服力的医学原因来操纵人类的胚胎,因为遗传的生殖系疾病可以使用胚胎筛检技术来预防。”(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

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