Annie2014 发表于 2015-5-9 12:16


本帖最后由 Annie2014 于 2015-5-9 12:20 编辑

【中文标题】英国获得第一个华裔国会议员【英文标题】Britain gains firstethnic Chinese MP【更新时间】8 May 2015【原文链接】【原文来源】BBC.COM【正文】

British votershave elected their first MP of ethnic Chinese origin, after Alan Mak won theseat of Havant in southern England for the Conservatives.在Alan Mak在英格兰南部的哈凡特赢得了下议院议员的席位之后,英国选民选出了他们的历史上首位华裔国会下议院议员。
He replaces DavidWilletts as MP for the safe Conservative seat, securing a majority of 13,920over UKIP.他取代了David Willetts的安全的保守党席位,确保了超过英国独立党的13920的选票。
The 31-year-oldwas born in Britain and grew up in York, where his Chinese-born parents ran atakeaway.这位31岁的Alan Mak 出生于英国,在约克长大,其父母在当地经营着一家小商店。
Mr Mak was thefirst member of his family to go to university, studying law at Cambridge.Mak是全家第一个入读大学的人,进入剑桥大学攻读法律。
He subsequentlywent on to a career in corporate law and ran his own business.他随后继续研习公司法,并且经营了自己的业务。
Asked by areporter from the BBC Chinese service how he felt at being the first British MPfrom the Chinese community, Mr Mak said his priority was to represent thepeople of Havant.在接受来自BBC记者关于作为第一位来自中国的华裔国会议员,他作何感想时,Mak说他的首要任务是要代表哈凡特的人民。
'No big deal'“没什么大不了”
In a pre-electioninterview with Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, the politician was keen todownplay the importance of his family's origins:在接受香港的《南国早报》的竞选前采访时,这位政治家是倾向于忽略家族血统的重要性的。
"This ismodern Britain.“这是现代的英国。”
"Having aChinese-looking person stand for parliament and becoming an MP is not astory," he said.“代表议会的人有着中国人相貌并且成为一名议员并不再是一个故事而已了,”他说。
"It's no bigdeal."“这没什么大不了的”
In a 2012interview with photographer Mike Tsang, Mr Mak said his parents were originallyfrom rural Guangdong in southern China.在2012年与摄影师迈克·马克的采访中,Maks说他的父母都是来自中国南部广东省的农村。
They had madehuge sacrifices for their children and were "a great inspiration", hesaid.他们为自己的孩子做出了巨大的牺牲,并且这是“一个巨大的灵感”,他说。
According to the2011 census, ethnic Chinese made up 0.7% of the population of England andWales.根据2011年的人口普查,华人组成了英格兰和威尔士人口的0.7%.
While Mr Mak isthe first Chinese or East Asian elected to the House of Commons, he is not thefirst member of a UK parliamentary body from those ethnic groups.而Mak是第一个中国或是东亚当选为下议院议员的人,他不是英国议会中来自其他民族的第一人。
Anna Lo - born inHong Kong - served in the Northern Ireland Assembly, but has stood down, partlybecause of racist abuse.Anna Lo,出生于香港,在北爱尔兰议会中供职,但是已经辞职了,部分原因是因为种族主义的滥用。
Socialentrepreneur Lord Wei (Nat Wei) is a Conservative member of the House of Lords.社会企业家Lord Wei(Nat)是上议院的保守党成员。
Britain's firstSouth Asian MP, Dadabhai Naoroji, was elected in 1892.英国的第一个来自南亚的国会议员,DadabhaiNaoroji,于1892年当选。(四月网Annie2014独家编译自BBC新闻网)

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